Evie (Luna) Part 19

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Julia led evie through the dense forest, sky darkening overhead.
Evie had been strangely quiet, and Julia wasn't about to make her talk, as she clearly wasn't used to it.
Julia could feel Evies hand trembling in hers. She was not okay.
So they didn't talk.
The hum of wildlife surrounded them, broken up only by their footsteps.

After about 10 minutes, they reached a clearing, already with a fire, and a small house - thing with two beds inside.
'here we are! I made this place whilst you were getting, y'know revived.'
'it's nice!' this was the first time Evie had spoken in a while.
Julia laughed.
'well, I had like, two hours! What did you expect!'
'I'm - I'm sorry. It's just... Dream said-he said' Evies voice lightened as she was overwhelmed by the memory of him.
Julia noticed her eyes getting glazed over.
'it's - it's okay. You were clearly manipulated by him, and he was the one who killed you!'
That was a stupid thing to say. Like seriously!?
Evie bit her lip, desperately trying not to blurt something stupid out again.
She had no idea how to act around Julia. She was aware that dream had killed her, but she was also aware that it was an accident. She had not been manipulated. She just made herself better to appease him. That's not manipulation, because she did it voluntarily. Right? Right.
'Well, I think we should get settled in.
We may be staying here for a while yet. You need to.. Well.. Heal.'
Yet Evie still said nothing.

<timeskip sponsored by RAID- shadow legends >

it was fully dark now, and Julia and Evie sat huddled around their little campfire, thinking, yet not speaking.
Julia had managed to strike up a conversation with her, about random shit, but she was lucky to get answers more than a word.
Well at least she was talking.
'what was it that you wanted to tell me.' Julia could hear her voice, still a little raspy, it must hurt after not taking for so long.
In reality, Julia had almost forgotten about the necklaces and the secret.
It was time though.
'Evie. I don't want you to freak out. Okay?'
Evie nodded solumnly.
Julia brought out Evies necklace from her inventory.
Evie gasped
'my necklace!'
It wasn't in her limbo, so she presumed that it had been taken from her dead body, but she was surprised Julia had it.
She had guessed dream had it, considering he was the last person to interact with her before she died.
'that's not all.'  Julia took a breath before reaching up to her neck.
Evie heard a clink.
Julia brought out her own, sun necklace.
Evie gasped.
Julia placed it down on the log they were sitting on.
The necklaces came together, as if magnetic (which they probably were lol) with a satisfying clink noise.
'we-we are sisters.'
Evie just stared blankly into the flames in front of them.
Not quite the reaction Julia had expected but-
'I actually don't know.'
'how long have you known.'
'two days. I took it off your corpse, and I found it when I was checking for a pulse.'
Well. That was it. They were sisters.
' I thought you were tubbos sister.'
Julia thought about this question for a little while before replying.
'I was adopted at the age of ten. Tubbo was adopted two years later. Neither of us know who our real parents are, or if he does, he didn't tell me. I think his family knew jsclatt though, he was the one who gave me the map to him.
What about you and Sapnap? '
Evie was still staring blankly into the flames in front of her, but she still answered.
' I wasn't adopted. Sapnap just found me in forest when he was like, 13, and we just kinda stuck together. Me, him, George and - and dream. I didn't remember anything from the past - except that necklace.'
'I never remembered anything either.'
Evie stood up.
'well it's obvious what happened. Our parents had abilities like ours and they used them to erase our memories. According to every book on telekinesis ever: we can actually manipulate memories. Change them, erase them, whatever.'
'we can - we can do that?!'
'yes. And I also wanted to test something.'
'what is it?' Evie had piqued Julia's interest, as she loved experimenting with things like potions, and her mind snapped back to when she was 14, and giving tubbo levitation potions so he could pretend to be a bee.
'we are sisters.'
'yes? Evie whats the experiment?'
'I have your telekinesis.'
'it would certainly seem so.'
Evie drew out her dagger, playing with it a little.
'y'know how I have healing powers.'
'ye- ow! Evie what the actual fuck!'
Evie had just sliced at Julia's arm with the dagger, drawing blood instantly.
'heal it.'
'Evie what the fuck.'
'look, this is how my friends brought out my healing powers once they found out.'
Evie looked confused for a moment.
'among other things, yes. Now heal it. Think about the pain, and how much you want it to go. Then you should feel a tingly sensation. It will heal'
Julia stood up, holding her arm, blood leaking through her fingers.
'what the fuck. Don't ever fucking do that again.'
'heal it. The pain will go'
Julia focused for a second.
A golden glow appeared, but left as soon as it came.
But the blood flowed no more.
JULIA gasped and almost fainted, bur Evie was there to steady her.
'tiring, isn't it. I noticed that the cut I gave you was going. I wouldn't have done that otherwise. Don't worry, it hurts less over time.'
'we are never doing that again. Ever.'
'alright. But at least we know you can do it now.'
'Evie I think we need to have a talk about your childhood.'
'Oh I adored my childhood, running through fields, climbing trees...'
'being cut with Literal KNIVES'
'yea, well now I don't feel pain sooo...'
Julia rolled her eyes.
'well that explains a lot'
But something was still worrying her.
'did you - was it your idea? The healing training.'
'well - not the first time. It was actually George's idea, but I asked to continue it.'
Julia breathed out.
'and it gives me a feeling of control, y'know, cutting.'
That wasn't really okay, but now was not the time.
'we can't go back, can we. We will be forced to fight, and I'm not planning on having to make that choice. Not any time soon.'
Evie was right. They couldn't return.
'but-but that would be betraying them-wouldn't it?'
Evie stood back up.
'Julia. You clearly have no idea of our power. You have no idea of my power.
Julia seemed unphased
'so going back to the topic of your childhood...'
'No. Look. You don't have to be a part of this. But I'm going to erase, or change everyones memories of me. I had a lot of free time when I was dead and I studied for this shit, okay. You don't have to be involved. But picture it. A farm, you and me, no wars, violence, choices. No responsibility. No fear. Just us. Look. Dream - dream and i-'
' you were kissing really loudly y'know. I was just upstairs. '
' so you - you '
' I knew. Wilbur and I kissed too. '
' oh. Well this is awkward. So I'm guessing you wanna go back then. '
' well-I don't know.. '
' HANG ON - what about fundy. '
' what about fundy? '
' Well... Isn't he wilburs... Son. '
(I am laughing so hard whilst writing this.)
' his mum is pretty dead, soooo free real estate? Also. Well, I - er. '
Evie could tell what she was trying to say, even without the use of telekinesis.
' we would return after the wars with new identitys. Obviously. '
' but they wouldn't remember us.'
'no. But if there's anything I've learnt from staying in a cell in l'manburg, it's that Attachment is something that goes deeper than mere memory.'
Julia stopped. Waiting. Thought.
But then she nodded.
'I'm in.'

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