Evie (Luna) part 1

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The girl crouched among the bushes, trying not to be seen, a wind rustled through the forest, blowing her long, straight, golden - brown hair across her face, which annoyed her greatly. She blew it back, but that moved the leaves of the Bush.
Big mistake.
She whipped around quickly, narrowly avoiding the sword of her brothers friend, a tall, blonde man wearing a lime green hoodie, and a white mask, with a simple smiling face on it, she brought her sword out of her belt sheath, blocking his next attack, she then attacked him herself, bringing her blade against his throat.
'surrender' she said in her soft, yet loud and firm voice, the man could see the danger in her eyes, one a light purple, the other a light blue.
'okay, okay' he said, dropping his own weapon and laughing like a kettle.
Evie kept her eyes on him, which she was right to do, considering his next move.
He quickly grabbed her arm, forcing her sword out of her hand, and grabbed it himself. She tried to fight back, punching him, but he then brought the sword up to her throat and cut her arm a bit, she felt a small stinging in her upper forearm and could also feel warm liquid running down the arm of her (now ripped) black turtleneck.
Dream laughed at first, before realising that he had hurt her.
'EVIE oh my gosh, are you okay? Sapnap is going to kill me!'
'I'm fine, it's just a scratch!'
'no, it looks really deep'
Evie felt happy that he was concerned, but it was a bit annoying sometimes when they forgot about her instant healing factor.
'it's fine dream!'
She closed her eyes for a few seconds and dream watched as her skin seemed to glow around the cut, before it instantly healed, leaving only a small mark, which would fade in a matter of days.
She never failed to amaze him.
She laughed, throwing back her hair, at the look on dreams face.
When were they going to get used to her ability!
But suddenly her face fell.
'what's wrong Evie?' dream said, sounding deeply concerned.
'nothing, nothing' the girl replied, although it definitely was NOT nothing.
It had happened again.
She heard a voice, that sounded like dream, saying, how, how do you do that.
She was scared.
This wasn't natural.
She had heard stories from her brother Sapnap and his friends about a warrior who heard voices.
He was mad.
He was used as a weapon.
She wasn't going to be that warrior.

Evie and dream walked back to the community house (which was where they were going to meet Sapnap and George not found), as they walked on the 'prime path', chatting and laughing together, Evie couldn't help but notice how beautiful this area of the dream smp was, what with how the sun bounced off the windows of the houses, and how the wind whistles through the trees, slightly blowing the leaves and rustling the bushes.
She couldn't imagine why those l'manburgian traitors would want to leave!
Once they reached the community house, she gave her brother a wave, whilst dream told the two of them about the days training.
'so what did you two do today then?' said dream in his usual, calming nonchalant drawl.
'oh, the usual' her brother replied, sounding a little bored.
'well, we saw the children in the nearby forest' said George.
(Evie took 'the children' to mean Tommyinnit and tubbo who, although minors, were only a few years younger than her)
'speaking of those revolutionarys' said dream, sounding colder, more concerned, I may have an idea.....

'What, How do I do that, he's got to be one of the most proteced people in l'manburg, not to mention what tommyinnit will do if he catches me!'
'what, you scared' taunted Sapnap, watching his younger sister freak out.
Dreams 'idea' turned out to be sending Evie INTO l'manburg to CAPTURE TUBBO. TUBBO.
'well, I think it's a good plan....' said George, thinking over what dream had just said.
'but I am not good enough!' Evie shot out out without thinking.
Dream laughed,'well,' he said, 'you are head of spies, one of the best warriors we have ever seen, and a very loyal friend'
'stop it!' said Evie, slightly flustered at these words of praise. But everyone knew she was quietly agreeing with the plan.
'so, tomorrow night then.' said dream, with a sense of finality.
Sapnap and George nodded before turning to Evie.
She fingered her sword, looking like she didn't care, before slowly looking up....
And nodding

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