Evie (Luna) Part 11

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She felt like she had been there for weeks.
This tiny, cramped cell was starting to get to her.
She had eventually calmed down and healed her many wounds, but she was still weak from the blood loss.
She didn't do anything much nowadays, just slumped against the grey stone walls of her cell, occasionally yelling an insult at a passing guard.
The calendar on the opposite wall revealed that it had been 5 days since she was accidentally informed about Julia / Solis and she felt no better about it.
Evie knew that she shouldnt be feeling guilty, Solis was the enemy for fucks sake. No.
No attachment.
Attachment is bad.
Attachment must be avoided at all costs.
She knew that she had to get out of there immediately.
The time alone was clearly messing with her mind.
The dream team obviously weren't coming to save her, so she was going to have to save herself.
She was smart
She was strong
She was ruthless.
At least, that's what she told told herself.
She peered through the iron bars of the cell at the door beyond it.
As she expected, unlocked.
No one expects her to be able to get through the bars, but what they also didn't expect was that her brother had taught her how to pick most, if not all, locks. Then she just had to get past the guards stationed outside.
Evie couldn't believe she had never thought about it before.
Her best bet on an easy guard to get past was Tommy or tubbo.
Not that they weren't good fighters (Evie still remembered Tommy attacking her) but they were still children and children needed more sleep than adults, she just had to wait until one of them had to guard her.
And, if her calculations were correct (which, she was sure they were)
Tubbo was guarding her tonight.
1 of 2 things could happen. 1) tubbo could fall asleep and she could sneak out. Works, but really not her style.
Or 2) she could wait for him to get tired and use it to her advantage and knock him unconscious. She wouldnt kill him. Well, unless things went south of course.
She knew l'manburgs biggest weakness. Attachment. She would use that to her advantage as well.
But she could not help but feel jealous of how they always clung together, of how, despite their teasing, they always made sure everyone was happy, how they were all fighting, or at least planning to, get Julia back.
Evie couldnt help but hope the dream team were doing the same for her.
<time skip>
It was late evening when Evie finally heard the telltale yawn and saw a figure slump against the frosted glass window at the door.
It was time.
She quickly inspected the lock and, luckily, it seemed that the non-human security was incredibly lax here.
She quickly pulled a hairpin out of her hair, allowing it to fall forward.
She stuck the metal stick in the small lock on the door, gave it a couple of twists, and, as expected, the door swung opened, luckily there was no creaking or scraping.
She confidently strolled through the metal frame of the barred door and opened the door.
Instantly tubbo stood upright, and to alert, drawing his sword and leaning backwards into an attack stance.
"what, are you doing out.' he was clearly trying to sound threatening, but didn't quite make it. Evie supposed that since he always had Tommy to sound threatening for him, he was incredibly out of practice, even the way he held the sword portrayed mild terror.
' well, I am escaping, and if you would kindly let me pass, no one will need to get hurt.', Evie said in a monotone drawl.
Tubbo moved into a even more threatening stance.
'never' he said, almost growling it out.
Evie had to admit, she was shocked by his bravery, but that was his mistake.
She whipped round, aiming a kick at his hand or wrist. As expected, she managed to knock his sword out of his hand, and he released a cry of pain. She quickly leant forward to catch it and swung it forwards so that the point of the blade would rest against the teenagers vulnerable, exposed neck.
He put his hands up in surrender.
They girl snarled, she was getting into this fake personality.
'oh tubbo...
It's too late for that.'
She swung the sword back, and tubbo raised his arm, protecting his head, preparing for the blow.
But Evie had other plans.
She pulled the unsuspecting minor into a headlock, and blocked off his air supply until she felt him go limp in her arms. She lowered him to the ground slowly and put on his armour.
Cautiously, she continued trying to navigate out of the building, looking around corners, newly acquired sword poised, ready to strike.
But quite soon she ran into a problem in the form of a humanoid fox.

Fundy backed away slowly, and pressed his earpiece.
'I need backup immediately. Its luna. She's escaped, no sign of tubbo but she's wearing his armour. Help me. Send help. I repeat. Send. Help.'
With that he broke into a run, but Evie just stood there. They were scared of her. She laughed, an evil maniactic laugh which echoed across the walls and off the ceiling of the corridor. Escape would be harder now.
Without a second thought, she jumped out of the nearest window.
It was a short jump, only a story or so, and she landed, catching herself with her hands and feet, largely unharmed, although her necklace almost fell off. The necklace was bad, she knew, Attachment is bad. But even dream was attached to some things, so it was alright. Kinda.
She calmly strolled around the patch of grass surrounding the building she was previously in, until she felt a cold blade on her neck.
A woman stood behind her, shorter than she was, and when she spoke, her voice was soft, with an accent of some kind. Niki. Around five people ran in front of her, Tommyinnit, wilbursoot, and fundy, as well as two people she didn't recognise.
'don't... Move.' wilbur said, sounding formal. 'we don't want to have to hurt you.' he continued. The minor looked up at him, confused.
'well you've done a good job at that so far haven't you.' Evie spat. She paused a little afterwards, as if thinking about what to do next, before turning around, grabbing the arm holding the sword, and pulling Niki in front of her. Now holding the sword to her neck, Evie spoke with more confidence.' let me go. Or. I kill her.'
'WHAT DID YOU DO WITH TUBBO THEN' yelled Tommy, sounding on the verge of tears. 'YOU KILL HIM TOO'
Evie couldn't help but pity him. He, after all, was merely a child, and wanted to keep his friends safe.
She spoke in a kinder tone.
'he isn't dead. Merely unconscious.'
At this Tommy let out a breath, but still drew his sword. Wilbur put a hand in front, but then thought better of it and drew his own. The others followed suit. Evie dropped Niki and the sword and fell to the ground, gasping, covering her ears.
Give her back.
What do I do
Follow orders.
The odd thing was, they sounded like the people in front of her.
'Shut up shut up SHUT UP' she screamed unconsciously.
Wilbur and tommy shared a concerned, knowing look.
She's like him
Blood goddess
Like him
The opposition lowered their swords, and Niki quickly ran behind them.
Evie looked up, the voices had calmed down to merely a whisper. The look of confusion in their eyes was bad, but what was even worse was the look of pity in Tommys.
No pity
No friends
No attachments.
She looked over her shoulder, grabbed her sword, and ran, ran as fast as she could, back to her friends, back to her country, back to safety.
And not a single person followed her.

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