Julia (Solis) Part 18

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I neared the wooden hut. It had only been an hour or so, but I had to see if it worked.
What if he was lying.
What if he was tricking me.
What if...
What if...
I breathed out slowly.
This was going to be fine.
I walked up to the door, trying to compose myself, and failing. I could hear shouting.
I knocked on the door and everything went quiet.
It opened painfully slowly, creaking.
Jsclatt was standing in the doorway, blocking me from seeing inside.
'she's back. And she's..... Well, see for yourself.'
I pushed past him. I didn't care anymore, all I wanted was to see Evie. Alive.
She was there. Standing in the middle of the room, a white streak breaking up the monotone golden brown of her hair. She looked.... Lost.
For the first time since we met, she looked scared. Legit scared.
She turned to look at me, and I could see the resolve in her eyes.
I ran into her arms, hugging her.
She was really there.
'hey Julia. How's it been, y'know, in the two days I was dead.'
Her voice.
So raspy, like it had been after she escaped, but a million times worse, and I couldn't deny the tremor that remained.
'your - your voice.'
Yea, had to ask. I wondered if she had had alcohol. I was sure jsclatt had plenty to spare.
'Julia I just spent a few months alone in a library, reading literally every book in existence. What do you expect.'
'yea, time works differently in the void.'
'I thought you said it was a library.'
'yea, well, it shows your deepest desires. I guess mine is either to know more than others, or power. Or possibly I just like books or something idk.'
(yes, she legit said idk.)
I was really confused now.
'what.... Explain.'
'Well.... Let's say someone wanted to move on from something, or go somewhere, their limbo would be a train station. If someone wanted to heal, to exist with nothing, so they didn't have to fight, their limbo would be a void.'
'and-a meadow?' oops. Forgot jsclatt was here. He sounded really interested.
' well that could be peace, or perhaps general happiness. Just plain happiness and purity I guess.'
I was astounded. How on earth did she know all this stuff!
'well that's what the books said anyway.'
Okay, that makes sense actually.
'jsclatt, thank you so much for reviving her, I am forever in your debt.' I said casually.
'yeah, okay, it was fine. Not like I got anything to do anyways.'
Evie looked like she wanted to laugh.
'we have to go now.' I stated calmly.
I wanted to tell her we were sisters.
'okay, bye jsclatt.' Evie walked towards the door, but turned around at the last minute.
'and thanks for reviving me.'
And with that, she exited the cabin.
Jsclatt spoke again.
'one last thing. Don't tell anyone about this, or me. Just... Please. I don't wanna become some Saint or anything. I would threaten to slit your throat or something, but I think your friend would kill me if I came within a 10 mile radius of you with bad intentions. '
I laughed.
' okay, I promise. And I also promise that Evie won't harm you. '
With a final wave, I left.
Evie was standing there waiting, an amused look on her face.
' did you just promise that I won't harm him? '
' well he did save your life Evie. '
' no, it's just I wouldn't have harmed him anyway. He's.... Useful. Y'know, what with the revivey thingy and all.'
Ah. She just said useful.
'you didn't - threaten him at all. Did you?'
Evie smirked.
'I just came back to life Julia. Not to mention the fact that I thought this was someone else's limbo or something. I also thought it was October as time moves differently when you're dead. Yea the books failed to mention that.'
At the end of it, she sounded like she was trying not to laugh.
' so what did you say to him. '
She shifted into a fake frown. Or at least I think it was fake.
' I threatened to slit his throat and said that his blood wouldn't be the first I had spilled and it would not be the last.'
Her voice had lost the edge of its raspyness, but it seemed to have dropped an octave or so.
I burst out laughing. She wasn't serious, I could tell.
She smiled a little at that.
' Well... Should we start moving? It'll get dark soon and we should make a camp in the woods somewhere.'
Even as she said it, the sky darkened a couple of shades.
'on that note. I have something to tell you....'

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