In all honesty, as Theo watched her retell that story, he was watching the bright smile on her face as she remembered the fond memories, it made him imagine her being just like her mum with their kids someday, doing the same to their hair. With him watching her sway her hips to the music as their kids laughed at whatever cartoon was on the entertain them in the mean time. He wanted that. He wanted them to have a future.

Opening the bottle, he lifted the pump lid out of the bottle and inhaled the heavenly scent that was Naomi to him. "Fuck that's good" He mumbled to himself, knowing for a fact that was what is car currently smelt like.

Putting the bottle down, Theo started his car and began to drive to Elijah and Ollie's house.

He got there in no time, just after the boys and made his way into the house, to find the boys rummaging through the fridge.

"Theo" Ollie smiled, ushering Theo into the house.

"What is it now Ollie?" Theo laughed at his friend who only said acted like this when he wanted something

"Can you make that lasagna that your grandma taught you how to make?"

"Is that why you lot fucking asked me over, for gossip and my cooking?"

"Come on man, 'lowe it" Ollie whined

"You're lucky I'm hungry as well, do we even have everything?"

"We should, I did a food shop this morning with Tiana" Elijah mentioned

"Okay good. Now get out of my kitchen, I need my space to cook"

"Eh?" Elijah asked

"Nah nah, just joking but did you got Aldi or Tesco?"

"Tesco, why?"

"Shit, can you two run down to Aldi and grab the Bolognese sauce from there, I promise you it's so much better with that one"

"Okay calm, come on Ollie"

"What, why do I have to go as well?" Ollie asked

"Cause if I leave you here with Theo you're going to bombard him with questions about Naomi, meaning that I'll walk in half way through the story, making Theo then have to restart it and it'll be long for everyone"

"True, let's go already I want to know what's going on" Ollie rushed, putting on his Jordan's.

Theo laughed, shaking his head at his friends.

They left quickly and he got to work on the lasagna. It was a pretty easy recipe that was taught to him, but nothing else could compare so he always had homemade lasagna, never shop bought.

By the time Ollie and Elijah had gotten back, Theo had already done everything, as in made the cheese sauce, cooked the mince meat alongside the onions and garlic, with a small amount of mushrooms, he had all the various cheese grated, the oven was preheated, the pasta sheets were ready, and all that was needed was the sauce.

"Here" Elijah offered as he poured the sauce into the simmering large frying pan of mine meat.

"Thanks, man" Theo smiled, as he mixed it in together and begun to create the several layers in a lasagna dish, then putting it in the oven and beginning to clear up.

"Okay so tell us already" Ollie jumped, as he started to rush around and help Theo tidy up so they could know everything.

"I don't know why you're all excited for, me and her are good" Theo answered, wanting to see how desperate the two were to know more, when that's all he had to describe him and Naomi. Just good, Naomi had even said it herself.

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