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you sighed looking up at the cold night sky, stars were hard to spot and cold breeze brushing your soft sensitive skin making the hair stand on its edge. you hugged yourself after running your hands together, "sorry for making you wait!" turning to your left, there he stood, snacks all over his hands with a huge grin.

you rolled your eyes "whatever" you were just having a movie marathon with your guy best friend — or shall I address, the guy you never thought you'd fell this hard for, niki "aww, is my baby cold?" he pouted trying to calm you down, the way he calls you cute nicknames, he meant it as a friendly manner but you couldn't help, your stomach and heart doing a double flip everytime.

"here—" he shoved the snacks to your hand "wha—" but you zipped your mouth when he removed his sweater and placed it around you, his sweet cologne hitting your nose. you smiled but hid it before he could notice "now give them back" he pulled it back into his hands and smiled at you, niki is that one friend, who's a uwu type of person also a big talented crackhead.

"wear it properly" he motions as you did, "wow, it looks better on you than me!" he laughed letting the chip cookies box fall down, "be careful!" you said picking it up from the ground "wow, I just complimented you? not even a thanks?" he scoffed rolling his eyes, you shrugged turning front "ah don't leave me like this, I've told you so many times—" and on and on and on, his ranting wenr on.

he was the one guy, you were really close with. you met him during your fourth grade in the dance club room with his sister. being an new student you were, they were kind to you and lead you to this. falling in love with this dork, your best friend. but he had no clue how much you liked him, only if he knew how much you liked him. you smiled.

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