15 - I Hope You're Happy

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I wrangled Mom, Dad, Sienna, Autumn and Ellie around the island counter in the kitchen and within a matter of hours we had the whole plan sorted out. My parents weren't very excited at first to spend the late hours of Wednesday night listening to their son's harebrained scheme but when I had explained the whole thing to them they were more than willing to help. I think the part about Max getting kicked out of his own home really convinced them I was doing the right thing.

Ellie was at my front door within ten minutes of me calling her, which was a new record for her. I wasn't surprised that she answered my call at 11:30pm but I was surprised at how put together she looked.

Everybody's eyes were glued to their own laptop screen as they completed the tasks that I assigned to them. Autumn and Sienna were booking the flights, Mom was emailing both mine and Max's schools, explaining the situation to them and what would be happening and Ellie was figuring out the logistics of how to actually get Max out of his house.

Dad was probably the biggest help of them all. Through some of his business connections and associates in the State Department he was able to somehow arrange an emergency visa for Max to enter the United States. For once I was actually glad that Dad did so much work. My elaborate plan wouldn't have been possible without him.

"You have no idea how grateful I am. This means so much to me," I professed to my dad in a whisper. Everyone else was still consumed in their work so thankfully they didn't hear. Dad noticed me eyeing the group and replied just as quiet as me.

"It's the least I can do," Dad smiled, "I can tell that this boy makes you happy. You were like a new person when we visited you at Christmas. I just want to see you happy."

"Aww, Dad. Don't get all emotional on me," I joked. "I know we're working on being closer but I don't want any sappy stuff."

"Sappy stuff? You're the one flying across an ocean to get your boyfriend back. And you're calling me sappy?"

"You've got a point," I conceded. Dad gave me a knowing look and I couldn't not burst out laughing. It felt so good to talk with my dad like this. Like a normal father and son relationship. Something I had been craving for years. Maybe I got my sense of humour from my Dad and I had never spent enough time with him to realise.

Soon after my laughing fit, all eyes were on me. I gave a cheeky grin to my family and Ellie and I could feel my face blush red.

"Excuse me, some of us are trying to do actual work for you," Autumn snarled sarcastically making everyone in the room laugh. It was so rare for all of my family to be together and it made me think back to what Sienna had said earlier. Maybe everything does happen for a reason. I thought it was unbelievable to think about how the misery of Max and I parting ways could bring about such joy and laughter in my life. Perhaps Max was meant to come home with me all along.

"So is everything arranged?" I asked, looking tentatively around the kitchen. My eyes were met with nods from everyone, except Ellie. She dropped her head slightly and averted her gaze from me. "Ellie?"

"Sorry. It's just that I don't have a plan to physically get Max out of his house without him just running out the front door," Ellie confessed. I pursed my lips and nodded at her. I knew that was going to be the most difficult part of the plan. I had no idea how to do it. Ellie was way smarter than me so I hoped she would find a way.

"Can you meet him on his walk to school?" Mom suggested.

"No," I shook my head dismissively, "His mom still drives him to school and drops him right by the door. It wouldn't work."

"So what do we do?" Autumn shrugged, "Every part of this plan has to work."

"I know, I KNOW! Just let me think for a second," I barked. I scratched at the grainy stubble protruding under my chin.

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