06 - Out On A Limb

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Weekends were supposed to be calm and relaxing but somehow school just seemed to get in the way of everything. Max and I barely had any time together since he helped me unpack. The only time we got to spend alone with each other was the few minutes on the train and walking to school. To add to my troubles I also had a bucket load of homework due on Monday so I didn't envisage us being together any time soon. Camille and Louis were starting to get strict with me about speaking more French, which I understood. That's the whole reason why I was here but it just made all of my conversations really clumsy and awkward, especially when I said something wrong.

After her constant begging and pleading I had finally said yes to hanging out with Nadine and her friends. I mostly said yes so that she would stop nagging me about it but also I wanted to be polite and actually make some more friends. Though Camille was very clear that I had to be finished all of my homework before I could go out. I was thankful about that because she did help me with some mistakes I made in my French work.

I slipped on my Converse and raced downstairs, eager to get going. I had decided not to wear the hoodie that Max gave me because I didn't want to get it dirty. Another reason that I was happy to leave the house for a few hours was because Max had invited his friends over. The four of them were squeezed onto the small couch, talking and laughing away to each other. Victor was the only one who I knew by name, but I recognised the other two boys from school. Louis was standing ready and waiting with car keys in his hand. I turned to wave goodbye to Max but he was too busy to notice me.

Louis dropped me outside the train station and for the first time since I had arrived in France, I was on my own. By now I knew my way around so there was no problem getting the train. Nadine and two of her friends, Danielle and Charles, were waiting for me when I got off the train.

"I'm so happy you could make it," Nadine cheered as soon as she saw me. She ran up to me and wrapped her arms around me in a hug, which I was not expecting.

"Hey! It's great to see you too," I greeted, attempting to step out of the way of other passengers trying to get on the train. Nadine released me after a few seconds letting me regain my balance. I nodded my head, acknowledging Charles and Danielle who were standing behind Nadine.

"Lets get going!" Nadine squeaked cheerfully. I followed the three of them out of the station and into the town. I hadn't had a chance to explore the town that school was in so I had no sense of direction. Nadine took hold of my arm and led me down the street. The sidewalk was just wide enough for the two of us, so Nadine wrapped her arm around mine and pulled me closer to her. I tried to pull away a bit but I didn't want to be rude. She must have felt it because she tightened her grip on my arm after that.

"Umm... so where are we going?" I stammered.

"It's a surprise mon chéri!" Nadine teased as she leaned into my side even closer and rested her head against my shoulder. I glanced behind me at Charles and Danielle who were in very similar positions as myself and Nadine. Except Charles seemed to be a lot happier than I was. "They're so happy together," Nadine babbled, noticing me looking backwards, "I can't wait until we're like that."

"Excuse me?!?" I gasped, but Nadine had turned her attention to the window of the shop that we were walking past. She pressed her face against the glass, her eyes fixated on leather handbags and golden jewelry.

"Let's go!" Danielle cheered from behind me before dashing into the store with Nadine close behind her. I turned to Charles who just shrugged at me and slowly sauntered in. I followed him, not wanting to get lost. It was clear that he had been here before because he made a beeline straight to the back of the store and slumped down onto a couch outside the fitting rooms. I sheepishly sat beside him, sinking down into the leather couch.

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