•Chapter Two• Evil Creeps In

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The next few days, well the next week or two really, were calm and peaceful for the most part. There was nothing that could have alerted us to what was yet to come. Other than the occasional shadow out of the corner of your eye, everything seemed normal.

As the days crawled by, the atmosphere in the house became somewhat oppressive and foreboding. You always got the feeling of being watched, it felt as if someone was standing in the same room with you, just a few feet away when you knew you were alone.

During the day, it seemed dark in the house. No matter how sunny it was outside and how many curtains were open, it still looked gloomy inside. At night the darkness seemed to eat up any light source. Even with 100 watt light bulbs, the light made little difference making each room look dingy.

Even so, we loved our beautiful old farmhouse and worked hard to make it into a home. I bought tons of pictures, throw pillows, rugs, and so on, to decorate the inside and make it cozy. I also spent hours in the back, as well as the front yard, trying hard to beautify the place.

One hour prior I had dropped Timmy off at Jason's parent's house, they had been wanting us to let him visit them for the weekend. I was in my home office working on a web page I was trying to set up for a home-based cosmetics business I planned to launch when the doorbell rang.

Rising to my feet, I quickly exit the room with Lady close at my heels. Wondering who could be at the door since I wasn't made aware of anyone dropping by for a visit, I pull open the door to find my friend Marie standing there with a huge grin.

"Surprise!" She cries out before wrapping her arms around me, while Lady dances and barks happily around us.

I hug her back with a laugh, then look at her ironically as we pull apart. "Yes, it surely is," Waving my hand out in a wide ark, I motion for her to come in. "Come on in!"

Marie reaches down to greet Lady, who is overjoyed at the attention and shows it by whining, then yipping. Once she is done, Marie walks further into the house with a look of appreciation which slowly changes to confusion, then turns into unease as we enter the living room.

"Hey," I say, pulling her attention toward me. "Would you like a tour?" I ask excitedly. I was so proud of my new home and wanted nothing more than to show it off at that moment.

Marie nods with a forced smile, though a look of apprehension is now pasted on her face. Not sure why she looks so uncomfortable, I brush it off and smile widely at her. "As you can see, this is the living room."

Pointing to a door just beyond the sofa situated near the far wall, I look back at her. "That door leads to a hallway that leads to the garage as well as another door next to the downstairs bathroom." Marie nods with a small smile before I taker her hand and lead her back to the front door.

"Across the hall is the dining room," I inform her as I point at the closed double doors I'm leading her to. I throw them open so she can look in.

I start to walk down the hall, past the stairs that lead to the second floor, then look over my shoulder at her as we come to a door directly under the stairs. "This door leads to the basement, nothing exciting down there."

We continue to the two doors on the left, one of which is the hallway that leads to the garage and the other I open for her to look in the brightly decorated room. "This is the downstairs bathroom," She nods but if anything, looks more uncomfortable as we progress through the house.

Marie looked around cautiously as if prepared for someone to jump out and scare her at any moment. I couldn't understand why she was acting that way but chose to ignore it as we moved on to the opened door of the home office. "This is my home office."

I stand by the back door while she looks in the room. "This is the back door. Across from the office is the kitchen," Once she has looked around, I lead her back to the entryway to the bottom of the stairs that lead upstairs. I was halfway up the stairs when she stopped me.

"Is that my phone?" Marie asks. Looking down at her, I notice she is still on the bottom floor and is now digging her phone out of her bag with shaky hands. She makes a big show out of looking at it, which made me suspicious.

"Oh my," Marie exclaims. "I have to go, sweetie. I'll talk to you later!" And before I can utter a single word, she ran out of the house slamming the door behind her. I stood there stunned for a good ten minutes, my eyes still on the closed front door.

Not sure what to make of the situation, I shrug and made my way down the stairs, then back to the office with Lady following me. After about an hour, I hear Lady growling and realize she is no longer in the office. Quickly, I hurry out to the hallway to see her growling at a wall.

"Lady, what the hell?" I ask as I walk closer to her, then look at the wall to find nothing odd.

"Stop it, Lady, there is nothing there!" Still, Lady ignores me and bares her teeth as her hackles make an appearance. Realizing she is seeing something I can't see, I feel every hair on my body stand straight up.

Lady begins to bark in her deep, 'back-off-before-I-tear-you-to-pieces', bark. By this point I am so terrified, my legs are shaking uncontrollably. As I am looking directly at the wall, a shadow detached itself from the wall and goes straight up into the ceiling.

Automatically, Lady stops barking and wagging her tail she hurries to the wall to sniff it. Once she is certain nothing is there any longer, she comes back to me and I pet her just as my legs give out under me. "Good girl Lady," I praise her while wondering what just happened.


Everything in this chapter is fiction except the part about Lady barking at the wall. I used to have a dog named Lady nd one night she began growling at the corner of my bedroom for no reason. She was still laying on the floor in her usual spot, looking at the corner nd growling.

Little by little, her growls got louder nd she stood up, hackles raised nd teeth bared, as she stared at that corner. She made no move to go near that corner, she stayed where she was nd soon began to bark in a warning type of way. Needless to say I was scared when I realized she was seeing something I couldn't...

Anyway, I hope u guys like this chapter. Plz take a moment to vote. Also, let me know if I made any mistakes. Even tho I'm using Grammarly, which helps a lot, I still miss things when I'm in a hurry. Thanx bunches for reading! :*

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