•Chapter One• Dream Come True

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"Hey beautiful," Jason murmurs into my ear as he wraps his arms around my waist from behind and drops a kiss on my cheek.

"Hey," I reply with a soft smile.

Currently, I was doing the dinner dishes. I lifted my eyes and my gaze connects with the glass of the window above the sink. Our images are visible in the glass and reflected like an image in a mirror thanks to the fact that it's dark outside and the kitchen light is on.

"I have some good news and some bad news," He informs me while looking at me through the glass, his face quite serious. "Which do you want first?"

Thinking about it for a minute, I turn off the faucet then dry my hands with a kitchen towel before I turn in his arms to look up at him, my arms winding around his neck. "The bad news I guess, please."

Nodding, Jason drops a quick kiss on my lips before continuing. "I think Lady is rotting from the inside out," Jason says with a mournful expression. "She just farted in the living room and now it smells like night of the living dead in there!"

I burst out laughing and swatted him with the moist towel. I push out of his arms to hang up the towel on a towel rack under the sink. "Whatever," I say as I straighten up, then turn to face him again. "And the good news?"

"We got the house, the realtor just called to tell me!" He informs me excitedly. My eyes widen and unable to help myself, I let out a squeal of joy as I jump into his arms. Almost instantly we hear Mrs. Carlyn stomping on the floor, causing us both to roll our eyes.

Mrs. Carlyn is our upstairs neighbor, who is in her fifties. She is our landlord's sister, as well as a huge busybody and she hates noise. She puts up with some noise during the day but after eight pm, we have to be as quiet as a church mouse.

We had been living at our small, two-bedroom apartment since Jason and I got married. Dealing with Mrs. Carlyn for these past five years has driven us to find a new place as soon as possible, and thanks to Jason getting a promotion, we decided now was the time.

Though we were looking to rent a bigger place, an apartment, or a house, made no difference. But when we stumbled on an old four-bedroom farmhouse for sale, dirt cheap, we figured lady luck was smiling on us. The thought that someone else may have already bought it worried us.

We called the realtor, scheduled an appointment to see the house asap and I fell in love. I could see us raising our children there, enjoying our lives there for years to come. I prayed with all of my heart and soul that we would get the house, two weeks later we were the new proud owners.

I was overjoyed and excited as I packed all of our belongings over the coming weeks. Little by little, I made progress packing. You never know just how much stuff you have until you are packing to move. And boy did we have a lot of stuff!

I could barely sleep the night before we moved in. I couldn't wait to get in the house, unpack all of our stuff, and decorated the beautiful old house. If I had only known the horrors that awaited us in that house, I would have unpacked our things and dug in my heels.

Being two months pregnant with our second child, Jason didn't want me to overexert myself so he asked some friends to help us move and arrange our furniture. We started moving at nine in the morning and by three pm we were all moved in, as well as having our furniture arranged how we wanted.

"I still can't believe we are finally here," I say with awe. We were at our dining room table, enjoying some delivered pizza for dinner.

"Not only are we here, but we own the place and can make as much noise as we want!" Jason shouts with a great big grin on his handsome face. I return his grin and look over at Timmy, our four-year-old, who was wearing not only marinara sauce all over his cheeks, chin, and mouth, but also a grin that matched his father's.

Though the house had four bedrooms, Jason and I had discussed turning the downstairs bedroom into a large home office for me since I had plans of starting my own business and it made more sense to do it from home considering it would be mostly based online. This would give me more time with my kids.

As I turned back toward my husband, I caught movement behind him and looked into the living room to find nothing there. I could have sworn that I had seen the form of a woman standing in the doorway glaring at us but upon finding nothing, I deduced I was seeing things.

After dinner, Jason cleaned up while I bathed Timmy and got him ready for bed. I knew Jason wouldn't mind considering all he had to do was put away any leftover pizza, as well as throw away the paper plates and napkins. In less than thirty minutes Timmy was clean and in bed.

Jason and I were in our room getting ready for bed two hours later when the most blood-curdling scream I have ever heard, shattered the quiet and had us both bolting toward Timmy's room at incredible speeds. Upon clicking on the light we could see Timmy sitting up in his bed crying.

"Scary lady!" He sobbed uncontrollably while pointing toward the door of his closet. "Scary lady!" Timmy was visibly trembling, with absolute terror reflected in his eyes. Jason and I couldn't see anything in the room, so we chalked it up to a nightmare.

We did everything we could think of to get Timmy to settle down and go back to sleep but he would scream in terror and sit up again if we tried to leave his room. In the end, we had no choice but to take him with us and have him sleep in our bed.

Once morning came Timmy seemed to have forgotten whatever had terrified him the night before. But every night, two hours after bedtime he would wake up screaming bloody murder. For whatever reason, he just could not sleep in that room for more than two hours.

A couple of weeks of that was too much. Jason and I were sleep-deprived by this point and so we moved Timmy into the nursery and turned Timmy's old room into the nursery. This seemed to be the perfect solution since Timmy stopped waking up screaming.


So here is the first chapter and I hope u all like it. I ask that u tell me what u think. If u see any errors, typos, misspelling, plz point them out. I hope u guys will be as honest as possible when commenting, I'd like to know what ur thinking. Also, plz vote. Thanx bunches! :*

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