This is me

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This is Me

Jasmine St. Cloud

Age: 20

Blonde hair, blue eyes, average pretty girl. You would think I would be popular, but I'm not.

I like writing poems and stories, reading, and playing the guitar and piano when i have time away from homework.

My favorite food is Italian. I plan to visit Italy after I graduate. It's one of the things on my bucket list.

I may not look like it, but I am in college and for the most part it's great. The great part is that I am majoring in photography; one of the things I love to do the most, the not so great part is this guy:

This is Louis Tomlinson.

Age: 21

Brown hair and blue eyes and absolutely gorgeous.

He is your normal, everyday jock from the soccer team. Yea, he's hot and all, but he's really a massive jerk. I don't think he really hates me, but he acts like it when he's around his friends. When no one else is around he's actually kind of nice. That's the worst kind of people, though so I try to distance myself as much as I can, which is hard seeing as he is in 3 of my 5 classes this semester.

I don't know what else to do to avoid him. It's like he makes it a point to run into me. His friends are way harsher than I have ever witnessed him being, so as long as he's not with more than one or two of them I can usually handle it. I may look somewhat happy in the picture, but I'm really not. I hear the things people say about me behind my back. They think I don't, but I do, and it hurts. As a result of a lot of people's words and actions, I resorted to cutting. I don't know why I started, but it makes me feel better. After hearing a lot of the comments and things from people, I blocked a lot of it out which left me numb to all my feelings. So I guess you could say that when I cut, it lets me know that I can still feel. To feel that pain when I slide the razor across my skin is like releasing the pain that I have bottled up inside of me for so long; it's like a release. I feel so much pressure lifted off of me after I've done it.

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