His mom came from the kitchen like two minutes later and served some lemonade. She sat in front of her boys, and turned off the TV.

"Don't take this the wrong way darling, but why are you here?" She spoke after taking a sip.

Perth took a sip too, and placed the glass on the coffee table, "I have missed you guys. It's been more than a half year since I last saw you."

Tuli cooed, "We've missed you too, dear. How was your honeymoon? The pictures you sent were amazing."

"If I hadn't shown you how to open and see them, you wouldn't even have looked at them," Mark smirked.

"Oh shut up, grandpa." Tuli scoffed and shushed him with her hand.

"Honeymoon was great. Saint and I had a great time. It was good for the both of us." Perth blushed a bit and looked at his lap.

"Ooh you had a great time didn't you?" Tuli wiggled her brows.



"What? I'm just saying. Anyway. I am going to make chicken with beans and mashed potatoes tonight. Just like you love it!" Tuli got up abruptly and went to the kitchen.

Perth and his dad talked a bit more, about the company and how his dad was doing with his retirement. Perth had missed these conversations, while his mom cooked something delicious for dinner and later they enjoyed it in each other's company's.

"I'm going to put my suitcase in my room, freshen up a bit and then I'll come down again, okay?" The boy said, patting his father's knee.

Mark nodded and tuned on the TV, and Perth got up and got his suitcase.

It was little and he had packed a few clothes just for a couple of days. He knew he had some of his old clothes here, but none of it were part of his style anymore.

He opened the door of his old room, and a wave of nostalgia caught him. It was the same way he had left it. His old posters still on the walls. His big bed, his old laptop still where he left it.

His old room had been big, full with everything any kid would have ever wished for. It was like his parents wanted to make up for his lonely childhood without any siblings, or without his parents because most of the time they were working.

He opened the old light grey curtains of the window, letting some light in that room. It was like opening an old album of photos, wishing you could relive those moments one more time.

He placed the suitcase near the door of his closet and then sat down on the side of his bed and just looked at it. He hadn't realized how much he had missed it. This was the place where all his dreams were created and all his games happened.

The balcony of his room had a view of the garden, and he sat up and walked out. His mom had really made a great job with the garden. All types of flowers and trees could be found in there. The aroma of them filled Perth's lungs. He smelled home. This was what home smelled like.

His parent's home though. Cause his own smelled like Saint's pillow. The pillow that had been used the night before from his owner and his cologne still lingered on it.

Perth has had the chance to smell that pillow for two nights in a row. The night they had sex, and the night before he came to visit his parents.

Yesterday had been an eventful day. Talking with Saint came so suddenly that Perth's only thought had been to get away from his husband and clear his mind, deciding what he was supposed to do from now on.

Reluctantly Saint had accepted getting him on that car to Pucket. Perth could see it in his eyes that he was afraid he could lose the boy.

As much as Perth wanted to assure Saint that he would be back, he couldn't. Not without clearing his mind. Trying to understand what Saint said and why did he say it.

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