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"I don't understand why are you so angry? Do you mind explaining?" Saint slammed the front door shut, trailing after Perth. All the way home when getting back from the club, Perth had just glared at him and didn't respond to any of Saint's questions or sentences.

Saint followed Perth with his gaze waiting for something, anything from him, but as always Perth didn't say nothing and continued his walk to the kitchen. Saint huffed in annoyance.

The smaller boy sighed and opened the fridge getting a cold bottle of water. He gulped down half of it, meanwhile hoping that Saint would just leave him alone and forget about tonight. He felt exhausted, and as much as he demanded an explanation from the  lad, Perth wasn't in the mood for a fight. He had had enough of shouting, screaming and insulting. The boy had just hoped for a calm night but with Saint, you shouldn't even be surprised for the opposite.

The CEO ran his hands through his face groaning, then pushed his mess of hair in the side of his head. "Perth," Saint said through gritted teeth, "You are testing my patience. Explain what is wrong with you and why are you acting like a four-year-old brat." He crossed his arms over his chest.

Perth sighed once again and placed the bottle of water on the counter. He turned his body around, facing Saint. "Just leave it, Saint. It's late and I am tired and I really don't feel like arguing with you. For the millionth time, just let me be and go to sleep." The smaller boy threw his head back cracking his neck and closing his eyes.

Saint just glared at him. It bothered Saint so much that Perth had a problem with him and wasn't even addressing what it was. He pinched the bridge of his nose and walked a step closer to his small husband, "No I won't. You are going to tell me right now what the fuck is the matter with you."

"I just don't get why you just don't leave me be, seriously Sain-"

"I said we are going to talk about it now! I've had enough of this!" Saint interrupted him, pointing at the floor, his brows furrowed in the middle while his jaw was clenching.

Perth inhaled and exhaled deeply before speaking, "Fine. You wanna know why I am mad at you?" The younger lad tilted his head raising his brows.

Saint looked at him as if he was stupid, "I thought I made it pretty much clear the two-hundred times I asked you."

Perth smacked his lips, "I really don't understand why you acted like an utter asshole to Blue. There you have it Saint. This is what is bothering me. He was nothing but kind to me. Why did you have to go and ruin it?"

Saint closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Was Perth seriously defending Blue right now? Really? Right in front of Saint? The anger that had ignited inside of him just got even bigger. Who was this Blue for Perth to feel bad for the way Saint had treated him? As much as Saint had understood, Perth didn't even remember ever meeting Blue, and suddenly the boy was defending the guy?

Saint squinted his eyes at Perth "Why are you defending him, Perth? What does it to you the way I treat him?"

Perth looked at him incredulously, throwing his arms at his sides as if he surrendered, "Are you serious? It makes me feel bad that the guy, who supposedly said to me no one was supposed to know about the true nature of our relationship, goes and behaves like an absolute dick. Saint, he did nothing wrong."

The CEO bit the inside of his cheek, and grabbed Perth's elbow yanking him closer, "Nothing wrong?!" Saint practically shouted, "Perth he was flirting with you in front of me, and last time I checked I am still your husband."

Perth yanked his arm back and mocked a laugh, "Really Saint? Now you remember that you are my husband?! You should've remembered it forty mistresses ago, not now! So what if he was flirting with me? Am I not allowed to be wanted from other people?"

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