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When Perth got up this morning he was feeling anything but happy. Of course considering his situation what else could he be feeling. Everything seemed to fall apart day by day. He didn't know how much more he could contain of this dreadful mess that surrounded him.

He hated this situation. Hated this house. Hated the way Saint treated him. But most of all he hated himself for how weak he was.

He got up from his bed and rubbed with a little force at his eyes. Lazy was how he was feeling, but he had to go out. He made his way in to the bathroom of his room and entered it. The first thing he did was splash some cold crisp water in his face. After grabbing a towel that was placed in the left side of the big white sink, he looked at his face in the mirror and the only emotion that he got was sadness and disappointment.

His face was plain. Nothing particular about it. He felt so stupid that he brought himself to believe that Saint  'liked' him those three months he 'courted' him and then married him. Of course it was pretend. Perth was that kind of person with that kind of luck.

Sure, he was brought up in a healthy family, but all his life had been boring. He himself was boring. The only thing his best friends Yacht and Plan loved about him was his sassiness, and of course Perth didn't find anything special about that. Perth had went only in two dates before he was married and those two dates never brought any special interest in him so he had dismissed those guys without trying to go further.

The only one that had caught his attention had been Saint. When he went to that first date with him - arranged by their parents- the moment he saw Saint oxygen left his lungs. Saint was beautiful.

Saint's deep voice, perfect died hair, perfect puckered pink lips,the way Saint looked at someone could hypnotize anybody, the way he moved his hands when explained things, everything about him.  All in all Saint had been perfect. But of course, since it was Perth we are talking about, Saint shattered all his dreams that first night into the married life and we all know how that went.

Stop it, Perth!

He interrupted those thought's immediately there. He was far deep as it was. Thinking more about it would make him go far deeper and that is the last thing Perth wants.

He brushed his teeth and then made his way into the shower. Weighing his options he decided to have a cool one. It would help him wake up. He washed his hair with his cinnamon and vanilla shampoo and then rinsed them. After, he foamed his body with his strawberry body shampoo. A little feminine choice, but he never was masculine to begin with.

After what seemed as the longest shower he has had in a long time, he grabbed a black towel placed near the shower cabin and dried his body and hair.

Perth went to his room and started looking at his clothes to decide what to wear. He decided to go with a pair of red jeans, a plain white t-shirt and a pair of white Vans. He cuffed his pants at his ankles and then decided to go and fix his hair.

He grabbed his phone and started to see if anyone had thought about him. A notification from his Instagram about three people adding him and a message from Yacht.

Yacht: what r u doin 2day?

As soon as he saw the message he decide to respond to his best friend.

Perth: going to my university. I have to hand in some documents for my diploma.

Yacht: ur hubby is goin 2 be with you?

Perth: no

Could everybody stop mentioning Saint? It was difficult to get him out of his mind as it was.

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