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Perth was already tired of his situation. He couldn't bear this anymore. Married life was so different from what he had expected. He was lonely and afraid, but most importantly he felt unloved.

Saint, his husband of four months, had agreed to marry him and as surprisingly it may seem, he wasn't forced into it. Oh, how well had Saint played the role of someone in love! Their marriage was arranged but Perth had fallen in love with him the moment their parents made their meeting possible.

Saint's and Perth's father's have been best friends since their childhood up until university. Saint's father had moved to Bangkok from Pucket after finishing his studies in Uni, and Perth's father had remained in Pucket. They both had went into the business field since that was their major.

Their fathers, Mark and Jack, met after thirty years from not seeing each other. They had talked as if those thirty years had only been thirty minutes. One conversation led to another when Jack told Mark that Saint was bisexual and Mark confessed that Perth was gay.

After meeting a couple of times, they had come up with the brilliant idea of arranging a meeting for both of their sons, of course, if they would willingly agree to that, so their companies would be united and create one of the most powerful companies in Thailand. Ironically, both companies dealt with importing and exporting goods. It appeared to be a great plan.

Perth was 21 and Saint was 25 when they had the first meeting. The tall boy was the most attractive human being Perth had ever seen. Tall, white dyed hair, nice build and the most amazing smile ever. Saint had seemed like an angel on their dates. Always kissing Perth's cheek or hand whenever they met. Their engagement had lasted for 3 months and then they married, Saint wanting to marry as soon as possible. Perth had a bad feeling about how rushed the plans were, but Saint had made sure to lessen those worries by telling him that he was sure about his 'feelings and couldn't wait any longer.

How sweet those words were and Perth had believed every word. During their engagement, Saint had never made a move to kiss Perth on the lips or touch him in an intimate way. He had only hugged Perth or kissed his cheek. Perth, being the sweet, loving and naive boy had thought that Saint was so sweet for respecting him. How wrong he was.

Everything was torn apart the first night for the married couple.

The wedding banquet had ended at 1:30 a.m. in the morning when Saint told him to go first to the house-their parents had bought them as a wedding present and that he would soon after because he needed to finish some business and make sure everything was running smoothly.

Perth believed him and made his way home. How nervous Perth had been since this was supposed to be their first night together. He had taken off his clothes and put on his pajamas waiting in their bedroom for Saint to come home. He had gotten so worried that something had gone wrong or even worse something bad had happened to Saint. He tried to push those thoughts to the back of his mind, easing the worry with thinking that if something bad had happened he would've already been notified about it. The clock had struck 4:30 a.m., and he still wasn't asleep, when he heard a noise downstairs at the front door and some jangling of keys to open it.

Carefully he stood from the bed and went downstairs to open it. Shock flashed on his face when he was met with a disturbing and disgusting view in front of him.

Saint was drunk and his clothes were anything but clean! His hair scattered wildly about his head and the alcohol literally seeping through his pores that could be smelled from distance mile away.

When Perth had tried to help him come in and stop Saint from stumbling, he was shoved away harshly hitting the wall and in the process bruising his arm.

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