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"What are you doing here?" Perth got up from his chair and looked at his visitor with surprised eyes. It was a Wednesday, and he was working on a new presentation for the commercials for their company, when the door of his office knocked, and after a few seconds Blue revealed himself.

"I was in the block, so I thought I should come and see where you work. See what Mr.CEO deals with," Blue looks around the office, "I must say I am impressed."

Perth sits back on his chair, and looks at him with narrowed eyes. "Why don't you look impressed though?"

"Eh, the office life isn't made for me. I'm more free spirited. I feel like I would suffocate if I would work in something like this daily. I need a party ambiance, people to let loose." Blue sits in front of him when Perth gestures for him to do so.

"I'm the complete opposite of you. I need serenity and calm, and a place where I feel comfortable enough." The boy closes the file in front of him and gets up from his chair. "Coffee?"

Blue nods his head before speaking, "That's why they say that opposites attract." The pub owner winked when Perth turned around to look at him.

"We shall see that." The smaller boy waved his index finger to him. Perth pours the hot liquid in two mugs, the aroma of the fresh coffee invading his senses, and immediately he feels calmer. He looks at the view out the window for a few mere seconds then turns around and places a mug in front of Blue.

The pub owner takes this opportunity to caress his hand. Perth looks at him, trying to understand the gesture. Blue gets up from where he is, his hand still holding Perth's one, and makes one step closer to him. The boy looks at the way the pub owner is looking at him, how his eyes close shut and then Blue is leaning.

Perth's eyes flutter and his breathing coming angsty and bothered. He tries to brace himself and let Blue kiss him, but that wouldn't make any of them happy. Perth would do it just to get his mind away, and Blue would think Perth's reason was lust.

He places his hand in front Blue's lips, and smiles at him in regret. The smile never fades until the brown eyed boy slowly opens his eyes, and looks at Perth with a disappointed but nonetheless apologetic look.

"It wouldn't be fair to you," is the only thing Perth says before he leans and kisses Blue's cheek, and then gives him a brief hug.

"I am glad you stopped me, I wouldn't want you to do anything you're not comfortable with." The pub owner says as he sits down on his chair again and blows to the mug that he brought up to his lips. A slight flush can be seen on his cheeks, and Perth knows he must feel embarrassed and rejected somehow.

The boy takes his seat in front of his companion, and sips a bit of his coffee. "It's not that I am not comfortable, Blue. It's just I need a bit of time to get used to you. Don't take this personal please. I am attracted to you. Who wouldn't be? I could've kissed you, but it wouldn't be fair, because I wouldn't have enjoyed it as I should. My mind would've been everywhere but to the fact that we were kissing." Perth looks at his lap and then at Blue, a warm smile flashed on the face of the latter.

"Thank you for explaining it to me. Maybe I was a bit too forward. It's just I want you all the time, I don't know if you understand that." Blue shrugs.

'Trust me, I do.' Perth mind wanders about a white hair again. He immediately pushes that thought away from him. That's what he has been doing all lately. Pushing. It's the only way he has found to not let his husband get to him again. It's all he can do, and Perth hasn't given him another choice really.

"Just a bit of time Blue. I will meet you there I promise." Perth gives him an apologetic smile again.

"I got all the time of the world, I can wait." Blue raises his hand as if in surrender. "So, what were you doing before I came?''

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