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"You're beautiful," Saint said as he sat in front of Perth. He looked at the smaller boy in front of him and couldn't help but be mesmerized by Perth. When he got up today and went for the meeting his parents had set him up, the last thought he had was how beautiful Perth would be.

He was glad he didn't ask for a picture before hand, his reaction was genuine and the compliment came out of his mouth before he even realized it.

The beautiful human before him blushed and lowered his head shyly, and Saint already took a liking to him.

"Thank you," Perth said, "You're not so bad yourself."

Saint beamed at him. "So, Perth, tell me a bit about you."

"Well, I'm still at uni, I'll finish this year, a bit early for my age, but I graduated high school sooner. I hope to take my father's path, God willing."

"Maybe we'll work together in the future, you know, if everything goes well between us," The taller lad smiled, "How do you feel about our parents arranging this meeting for us?" Saint said as he took a sip of his latte.

Perth shrugged. "I haven't been so out there as I should've, and to be honest I welcomed it. I know my parents love me and wouldn't put me in a situation they wouldn't consider good for me. So I said yes and here I am. What about you?"

"Same for me," Saint nodded, "Contrary to you, I've been out there," The lad laughed, "But I've never had a serious relationship, to be honest. When my parents suggested it I thought okay, I'll give it a try, what do I have to lose, you know? Now that I am looking at you, I'm glad I didn't turn their offer down."

Perth pressed his lips together trying to hide a smile and to stop any squeals coming out of his mouth, "I'm glad too."

Saint reached and took his hand in his and gave it a little squeeze. "I like that you're shy. It's amusing. Sorry, but it is. Especially for a man like me. I have met a lot of people in my life and you're so different from them. Before I met you I thought you might turn out to be a selfish brat, but from what I'm seeing I couldn't have been more wrong."

Perth blushed for the nth time that evening. If Saint was trying to win him he was most certainly succeed.

"Sorry to be so straightforward, but I have to ask. Why haven't you been with anyone till now? I doubt you haven't had suitors with how you are and the way you look." Saint added.

The smaller boy shrugged and cleared his throat before he spoke, "I never felt the spark, if you know what I mean, they were okay guys, and I'm not talking about for the way they looked. The appearance of course matters, but not that much to me. It's just they only went after one thing; to get their hands on someone who no one else has had before. And I get it, of course. But sometimes they moved too fast for my liking so I politely declined. That's all."

Perth raised his head from where he was looking at his lap and looked at Saint. The guy had an amused and fond look on his face, the sides of his lips slightly turned up, showing just a sliver of his teeth.

Perth smiled back. He already liked Saint so much, and the fact that the white haired lad listened to him meant so much to Perth. His previous suitors only talked about themselves and asked inappropriate questions, things Perth didn't enjoy and felt as if he was being targeted.

Saint didn't make him feel awkward or uncomfortable at all that night. Their conversation was so not forced and that was what Perth liked the most about him, he felt free to talk and be who he was.

They left the little coffee not long after they sat and Saint offered to accompany Perth on his way back to where he was staying. The white haired lad sent his driver home and continued to walk with Perth.

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