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"Do you even know what you're saying!?", Jungkook snapped back in anger.

"I do know, Jungkook!", The girl shouted back.

"It's Sir for you", Jungkook said, not liking his name to be called by the girl, only the people close to him were allowed to call him by his first name and no one else.

"Calm down, Mr. Jeon", Taehyung said in a voice full of concern.

"It's baby for you, Taehyungieeee", Jungkook whined this time not liking the honorific name given by his love to him.

"We're in office, Mr. Jeon", Taehyung whispered but it was still audible to the girl who burning with anger and jealousy.

He can't let me call him by his first name and now he's whining coz this son of a bish didn't call him with nicknames! This is sick! He has blinded my Jungkook The girl was raging with anger.

"So what, Taehyungie? Am I not your baby bunny?", Jungkook asked whining.

Why is my baby so adorable? Taehyung chuckled.

"You are, but we're at office and this is unprofessional", Taehyung smiled, ruffling the younger boy's hair.

"I don't care! I'm the boss here so I'll decide the rules! Dare if you call me this again", Jungkook warned.

"Ok, baby", Taehyung couldn't help but smile.

"Can you stop manipulating my Jungkook!?", The girl poked her nose again in the conversation.

She glared at Taehyung and pointed finger at him and said, "Don't call him with nicknames!"

"Shu–", Jungkook was cut off by Taehyung.

"And why is it bothering you?", Taehyung asked while trying to control his laughter.

The girl sure is childish. Started a whole ass argument here just because she likes him Taehyung scoffed but found it hilarious too.

"Y'all don't love each other and I know that! *Turns towards Jungkook* You won't be able to have kids if you decide to live with this scumbag! But I'll be able to give you cute babies, therefore leave him and come to me, Kookie!", The girl told, even getting a little scared because Jungkook was glaring at her as if he's going to kill her any second now.

Even Taehyung didn't like it. Infact, he hated it.

How dare she try to convince my baby to go to her!?

But then he smirked.

"Too bad coz he won't ever come to you", Taehyung spoke nonchalantly as he intertwined his hands with Jungkook and signalled him to be quiet.

"But babie–", She was cut off by Taehyung.

"Who said we won't be able to have babies? We'll have our own coz...", Taehyung paused as the smirk never leaving his face and Jungkook dreamily looking at his man smirking, looking smoking hot as ever.

"Coz?", The girl asked, annoyed noticing how Jungkook was looking at Taehyung as if he was a whole course meal.

"Coz my Jungkook has a womb", Taehyung said making the girl's world stop and Jungkook's heart flutter. Taehyung calling Jungkook as his, it felt like winning a war to him.

"N–no y–you're lying! Jungko– No!!", She cried.

Taehyung felt a little bad but he can't give Jungkook to her or anyone and he won't ever even think of giving his precious baby to anyone.

"You heard it right. Jungkook got a womb so that we can have kids. This just proves how much he loves me, so you gotta move on as Jungkook can never be yours", Taehyung explained but the girl was too stubborn.

The girl moved her gaze towards Jungkook as if to confirm what Taehyung said was true or not.

"Did y–you?", The girl asked

"I did", Jungkook replied nonchalantly.

No he's mine!

"YOU! YOU!! YOU FORCED MY KOOKIE TO DO THIS!!! YOU'LL ROT IN HE—", The girl screamed but got cut off by Jungkook.


The girl felt got even more angrier when Jungkook proudly claimed Taehyung as his boyfriend.


Even Taehyung didn't say anything coz first, he wasn't the boss and just because he's Jungkook's Boyfriend doesn't mean that he'll control Jungkook. Jungkook is still his boss.

And second, who wouldn't be annoyed when someone tries to steal someone who's so precious to them. He was really annoyed when the girl claimed Jungkook as her's.

But he doesn't wants to be childish and create a bigger scene than it already was.

He needs to calm Jungkook down who's fuming with anger.

"Baby you need to calm down", Taehyung said to him, ignoring the girl who was glaring daggers at him with her teary eyes.


Taehyung muttered a 'fvck it' before kissing Jungkook again in public.

The girl couldn't take the scene infront of her eyes anymore. She ran away from there with teary eyes and embarrassed look.

Jungkook only wanted Taehyung's warmth no matter where they were and Taehyung tried to keep their behaviour professional but they ended up being very unprofessional.

They broke the kiss.

"You need to calm down otherwise no kisses and cuddles from your boyfriend today, hmm?", Taehyung said flashing his boxy smile as he ruffled Jungkook's hair.

Jungkook pouted.

The employees who happened to be passing by but ended up watching the whole scene felt like their soul just left their body.

Their icy cold, strict , professional boss just pouted!

They really needed to go away from this place before they go crazy.

"She wanted to take me away from you", Jungkook pouted.

"But she wasn't able to", Taehyung said proudly.

"Yes she'll never be able to, Coz I'm only yours", Jungkook said showing his adorable bunny smile.

"Yes baby", Taehyung said cheerfully.

"Some people are really getting on my nerves and telling me to come to them and not you... I clearly refused", Jungkook says while intertwining his hands with his Taehyungie.

"Too bad for them, coz you're just mine", Taehyung said pulling the bunny into a kiss again, while Jungkook happily kissed back.

"Yep, Only yours and you're mine too", Jungkook muttered happily.

"Any doubt, my boyfie?", Taehyung replied.

𝖨𝖭 𝖫𝖮𝖵𝖤 𝖶𝖨𝖳𝖧 𝖬𝖸 𝖠𝖲𝖲𝖨𝖲𝖳𝖠𝖭𝖳 {𝖳𝖠𝖤𝖪𝖮𝖮𝖪} ✔️Where stories live. Discover now