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Taehyung and Bogum were walking in the park as they talked about their lives now.

"Are you still single, Tae?", Bogum asked out of the blue.

"Y-yeah, didn't find a right one so...", Taehyung replied.

Bogum stood infront of Taehyung. Taehyung looked at him with confusion.


"I still love you, Tae. I tried dating someone else but I couldn't take my mind off from you", he confessed.

"Bogum I tried to give you a chance, but it turned out to be my biggest mistake. I won't repeat that again", Taehyung replied.

"I'm really sorry, Tae! I regret it till now", Bogum pleaded.

"I forgave you, but I've decided to date only the one whom I love and I'm not going to pity anyone anymore. Bogum, you're a great guy you deserve someone better", Taehyung said trying to reject him once again.

"It's ok, Tae. I understand. But can I hug you one last time before letting you go forever?", Bogum asked. He regrets him trying to hit Taehyung till now. He lost the love of his life because of that.

"Sure, Bogum"

Bogum immediately hugged him as if there's no tomorrow. Taehyung hugged him back too. He missed his friend and hugging him after years gives him a warm feeling and Taehyung already is a sucker for hugs so he didn't feel uncomfortable hugging him.

Bogum broke the hug.

"I should leave now, Tae. It's getting late. My flight must be arriving soon", he said.

"Yeah Bogum. Take care. Bye"

"Bye Tae!"


Taehyung arrived at his office. He knocked on the door of his boss's cabin and entered when he got permission.

He looked at him only to see his puffy face and red cheeks and nose.

Jungkook wasn't smiling neither looking at him. Taehyung was left in confusion.

"G-good morning, Mr. Jeon", he said hesitantly.

He didn't get a response.

Is something wrong with him?

He was lost in his thoughts.

"ARE YOU PLANNING TO STAY HERE, MR. KIM !?", Jungkook said raising his voice.

It was like the old Jungkook came back again for Taehyung. After their kiss incident Jungkook didn't call him 'Mr. Kim' and didn't even talk rudely with him. He occasionally smiled at him but now he's too different.

"Yes, sir", he said as he left.

Jungkook looked down as a tear left his eyes again.

"Gosh! I hate crying!", He wiped his tears but new tears formed again.

Meanwhile, Taehyung didn't know what suddenly happened to Jungkook. He worked for sometime when he felt someone staring at him but only saw Jungkook working on his computer.

I hope he's fine

Taehyung went in Jungkook's cabin after his work was done.

"I'm done with the work, sir. Shall we eat now?", He asked hoping Jungkook would agree.

"No, Mr. Kim", He said blankly.

Taehyung was a little hurt by that but didn't say anything.

It's now like he considers me a friend or something

He sighed as he left.

"I'm s-sorry, my love.... I just can't s-see you with him as it's h-hurting really bad!"

Days passed by, Taehyung always tried to talk to Jungkook but only got short responses or got completely ignored.

Taehyung was hurting as he really started considering Jungkook his friend but little did he know that Jungkook was hurting way more than him.

Again a misunderstanding drifted them apart.

Everyday Jungkook cried himself to sleep and as for Taehyung he couldn't sleep properly as he only thought about why Jungkook started behaving strangely.

"Sleep Taehyung. Don't think much about it", Jimin said as he cuddled with Taehyung.

"But Jiminie I'm just worried about him. There's something wrong with him!", Taehyung said in concern.

Jimin sighed in response.

"I really can't understand him, one time he'll be a total jerk and the second later he'll flustered and blushing like hell", Taehyung said.

"But these days he's behaving like the old Jungkook. Screw talking he doesn't even looks at me! Like have I gone ugly or something?", Taehyung asked.

Jimin laughed.

"You're too handsome to be called ugly, Tae. Just confront him tomorrow. I know that you like making friends and you really considered him as a friend... So atleast as a friend confront him tomorrow"

"Ok Jiminie I'll try"

Jimin drifted off to sleep as for Taehyung well, he tried sleeping.

The next day Taehyung arrived in the office and immediately knocked on the door and entered it without waiting for a response.

He saw Jungkook standing near the window.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU ASK FOR PERMISSION, KIM!", Jungkook glared at him.

"WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU, JUNGKOOK?!", Taehyung asked not minding the glare Jungkook is giving to him.


Taehyung just walked towards him and him pinned him to the wall as he held his waist. Jungkook gasped and held the other's shoulder.

"LEAVE ME, KIM", He said as he tried to get out of his grip, ignoring his heart who was telling him to stay closer to Taehyung.

Taehyung hugged him tightly. He still tried to push him away but couldn't.

"W-what's wrong with you, Kookie? Did I do s-something wrong? A-are you upset with me?? Please tell me instead of bottling it up in yourself", Taehyung pleaded as tears started rolling down his cheeks.

I can't tell you, Tae

Jungkook felt something damp on his shoulder only to see Taehyung crying.

He wanted to cry too and even more for making Taehyung cry.

He really wanted to hug him back and tell him everything that was bothering him but he can't.

"It's n-nothing, Taehyung", he softly said as he pushed him away but not too harshly.

He left the cabin as he went towards the terrace to cry again.

"I'm so s-sorry for making you cry, Tae. I know I'm a jerk b-but I just can't tell you the r-real reason. I want to run to you and h-hug you tightly and never let go... B-but I can't!", He cried badly.

𝖨𝖭 𝖫𝖮𝖵𝖤 𝖶𝖨𝖳𝖧 𝖬𝖸 𝖠𝖲𝖲𝖨𝖲𝖳𝖠𝖭𝖳 {𝖳𝖠𝖤𝖪𝖮𝖮𝖪} ✔️Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant