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Although Jin didn't show that he was shocked. He was in utter shock.

The almighty JEON JUNGKOOK who didn't like any kind of skinship was letting his assistant, Taehyung kiss him?! Why??

He looked at Jungkook who was blushing and shyly looking down as Taehyung's hand wrapped around his shoulder. Taehyung was too into the movie to notice Jungkook. Jungkook was frequently stealing glances of Taehyung.

Why is he behaving weirdly? I ducking knew it! There's something wrong with Jungkook

Jungkook's attention wasn't at the movie at all. His full attention was on Taehyung.

"Ugh why is this girl a fool?! The boy clearly loves her, why can't she see? Is she blind?!", Taehyung said in frustration.

Even you can't see that I love you

Jungkook thought as he chuckled sadly. Taehyung flirts with him and even after seeing his reaction he can't understand that the boy likes- no loves him and Jungkook is too afraid to confess.

He sighed as he brushed off the thoughts and just enjoyed Taehyung's warmth.

He yawned and Taehyung saw him yawning.

"You feeling sleeping, baby?", Taehyung asked. Taehyung actually started liking calling the younger by sweet pet names.

Jungkook blushed and shyly nodded.

"Then you can go to your room and sleep. We won't disturb you, hmm?"

But Jungkook didn't want to leave Taehyung.

"But I want to watch the movie!", Jungkook said unconsciously pouting.

"Aww your pout is so adorable!", Taehyung cooed at the pouting boy.

"Is it?", He mumbled while looking down shyly fidgeting with his fingers.

Taehyung smiled and sat Jungkook in between his legs and placed the younger boy's head on his chest and took his hands and wrapped it around his torso. He wrapped his one hand around his waist and one hand on his head, patting it so that the boy could sleep. They were basically hugging each other.

Jungkook still can't believe that it's happening for real. He was listening to Taehyung's calm heartbeat while hugging him. He was shyly smiling as his heart started beating faster. Butterflies were roaming all around in his stomach. Taehyung was stroking his hair while watching the movie. Jungkook listened to Taehyung's calm heartbeat, his eyes started getting heavy as he hugged him tighter so that when he fells asleep Taehyung won't leave him then.

Taehyung felt that Jungkook hugged him tighter but he didn't complain. He loved hugs and Jungkook's warm hugs were the best for him.

"Taehyung", Jungkook called softly.

"Yes, baby", Taehyung said, eyes still on the big screen infront of him.

"Stay h-here for tonight", Jungkook said nervously.

"Ok", Taehyung smiled.

Jungkook smiled too just by hearing Taehyung's small 'ok'.

"Bunny?", Taehyung called out.


"Don't worry about the presentation I have completed my work. I was just playing with you that time"

"Oh is that so", Jungkook smiled.

"Yes, now sleep"

Taehyung pecked his head and kept on stroking his hair and feeling the warmth of Taehyung, Jungkook fell asleep.

But all these incident didn't go unnoticed by a certain person.

Jin couldn't believe that Taehyung was actually hugging Jungkook and Jungkook was also hugging back without any hesitation. They were looking like a married couple who were so in love.

What's up with them? They were about to kiss today and Jungkook allowed him to come to his house but he never allows anyone this easily to come to his house! And the way he's looking at Taehyung and getting all shy and nervous around him and now he's hugging him as if there's no tomorrow!

Jin kept making his analysis that he witnessed today. And a came to a conclusion.

Don't tell me that this cold hearted brat is in love with Taehyungie!!!

Jin widened his eyes while thinking that.

I mean everyone loves him but Jungkook is a different case

He glanced at Jungkook who was peacefully sleeping on Taehyung's chest while Taehyung's eyes were glued on TV as he was still stroking the younger's hair.

Jin didn't realize the movie ended.

"It was such a nice movie!", Taehyung said as he displayed his boxy smile.

"Oh Jungkook fell asleep", Taehyung said while looking at the sleeping boy in his arms.

"Jiminie, Jungkook said we can stay here for tonight. I guess it's already late so we should stay here...", Taehyung trailed off.

HE EVEN TOLD HIM TO STAY HERE FOR TONIGHT?!! I remember when this brat just told me to leave in like 12 in the night. Something's definitely up with him.

"Ok I'm sleepy. Jin Hyung show me a room to sleep. I'm tired", Jimin rubbed his eyes with his cute little fists.

"Yes Jimin-ah you can stay in the room I'm staying for tonight", Jin said.

"And Taehyung-ah you can wake Jungkook up and you can sleep in the guest room on upstairs", Jin continued.

"Umm hyungie he's asleep I'll take him to his room. I don't want to wake him up"

"Oh- ok", Jin said.

He and Jimin left to their room.

Taehyung looked at the sleeping boy in his arms. He smiled.

"Can't believe that this is the CEO everyone including me were scared of", he said as he pinched his nose softly.

"Mmm", Jungkook pouted while still sleeping.

Taehyung pecked his nose and took his hands and wrapped it around his neck and his legs around his waist. He stood and he placed his one hand around his back and the other on his butt. Jungkook hugged him like a koala. Taehyung is thankful that he worked out a lot and now he can carry his boss very easily.

"Wait I didn't asked Jin Hyung that where is his room", Taehyung groaned, but he saw a maid.

He immediately went towards her.

"Excuse me miss", Taehyung called out.

The maid was freaking shocked seeing their master in the boy's arms.

Wait what the hell is happening??!!

She was too shocked to even hear what the boy spoke.

"Huh?", She asked as she wasn't able to hear about what the handsome boy infront of spoke.

This guy looks ethereal!

"Where's his room, miss?", He asked.

"I-It's upstairs on the right with a 'DO NOT ENTER UNLESS YOU'RE THE ONE AND ONLY JEON FREAKING JUNGKOOK' Warning on the door. You'll easily find it", she said.

"WHAT", Taehyung laughed.

"Yeah he doesn't likes anyone entering his room so...", She smiled too.

"Ok thank you!", He said as he left.

"This guy is really something!", He mumbled smiling.

He stood infront of the door and saw the warning, he laughed as he tried to open the door.

"Wait the room is locked! Ugh what should I do now?!"

𝖨𝖭 𝖫𝖮𝖵𝖤 𝖶𝖨𝖳𝖧 𝖬𝖸 𝖠𝖲𝖲𝖨𝖲𝖳𝖠𝖭𝖳 {𝖳𝖠𝖤𝖪𝖮𝖮𝖪} ✔️Where stories live. Discover now