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Jungkook came to his home with a happy mood. All the workers were shocked to see him slightly smiling. Just few hours ago he was boiling with anger but now he was smiling although it wasn't a very big smile but still they were shocked as he always has a poker face. But they were happy atleast they don't have to face the angry bunny today.

He has taken Hoseok's number incase he needs some help from him regards Taehyung. He now calls him 'Hobi Hyung'. He trusts Hobi because he's Taehyung's friend.

The next day arrived. Jungkook was excited to see Taehyung at work today. Hobi told him to dress properly as he's already good looking. He dresses even more properly today. Combed his hair and fixed it way too properly. Although he never does this, He applied a little powder and a strawberry lip balm too today. When he was satisfied with his looks and checking himself out a thousand times in the mirror he decided to leave.

When he entered the office he felt everyone's stares on him, it was normal to him so he didn't care.

The girls and the boys started swooning over him. He heard whispers that he looked extra handsome today. He felt good because today Taehyung might think the same too.

He waited for Taehyung eagerly. The beauty arrived after sometime. Jungkook was so excited to see Taehyung's reaction.

But today Taehyung was very sleepy. He maintained his posture and knocked and heard a very loud and maybe excited? response. He didn't know why he thought his boss sounded excited or maybe he's just imagining things today. He shrugged the thought and entered in a hurry as he knows his boss likes every work to be done quickly and if he lets his laziness take over then he might have to face consequences.

"Good morning sir", he bowed as he placed the coffee while trying to muffle his yawn.

"Good morning", Jungkook said while trying to get Taehyung's attention but Taehyung just placed it and bowed before leaving. He didn't want to get caught of being sleepy and then get scoldings for no damn reason.

Jungkook punched the table lightly in frustration.

"He didn't even spare a glance at me!"

When he looked towards Taehyung he saw him working while yawning.

Oh he must be sleepy today

He sighed.

"Let it be maybe he'll look at me after sometime"

"But what am I doing?! Does this mean I'm trying to seduce him??", He questioned himself while widening his eyes.

"Whatever! I don't care about it, I just want him to love me and only ME, THAT'S IT! And it's not wrong to dress up properly to impress your crush"

He went back to complete his work.

After sometime he felt like talking to Taehyung, so he called him and told him to bring a file.

Maybe now he'll look at me

After sometime he arrived.

"Here's your file, Sir", Taehyung said as he placed the file and not really focusing on his boss.

In order to get Taehyung's attention Jungkook faked pain in his elbow.

"AAH!", He shouted faking his pain.

Taehyung looked at him worriedly and immediately went closer to him.

"Are you okay Sir??", He asked in concern.

"No I just hit my elbow on the table and it's paining too much!", He said as he held his elbow.

"Oh my God sir!", Taehyung came more closer and held his elbow as he leaned closer. He looked at it with concern but his gaze went towards Jungkook and saw him already looking at him. Taehyung now looked properly at Jungkook's face and admitted that he looks ethereal and today he looked ever more better than he usually looks.

He saw the doe eyes that usually have a cold look was now innocently looking at him with some other emotion too that he can't understand.

"Damn you're beautiful", Taehyung whispered and saw his boss's face gone all red.

He looked so cute right now. Jungkook no longer looked intimidating but a little innocent bunny. He looked over his lips. His pretty cute thin lips. Without knowing he started leaning closer to the other's face.

Meanwhile Jungkook's breath hitched. He felt so happy that his love noticed him and even called him beautiful! As Taehyung started leaning closer, Jungkook's heart, body, face every damn thing was on fire. He never felt this nervous yet excited before. He started feeling submissive. His heart was beating so fast that it felt like it's going to come out of his chest. He started breathing unevenly and his body started shaking.

"You have pretty lips", Taehyung whispered in his ears as his lips brush the other's ears as shivers ran down Jungkook's spine. Now Jungkook felt like he's on cloud nine. He's so happy that he could die of happiness.

Taehyung now leaned closer to his face and their lips brushed, Jungkook felt like passing out it's too overwhelming. He was grateful that he was sitting otherwise he would have fallen down as knees felt so weak.

But a sudden realization hit Taehyung.(I'm sorry but their first kiss will b in the upcoming chapters & not now😔) He immediately got up and stepped backwards.

I just tried to kiss my boss?!

He widened his eyes, so shocked at his own self.

"I'm so sorry, sir!!!", He said as he bowed multiple times.

Jungkook was just looking at him with some emotions in his eyes that Taehyung can't understand. Did he see sadness?

No why would he be sad? Maybe it's because of his hand or something

"I'm really sorry Mr. Jeon I don't know what happened to me! I really didn't mean to. Please forgive me"

"I-It's okay. Don't a-apologise", He said as he looked down.

"Thank you Sir! I won't repeat that mistake again" Taehyung said as he bowed for the last time and left.

But I want you to repeat it again!

Jungkook just looked down. He really wanted Taehyung to kiss him but it didn't happen. He doesn't even know how to kiss as he has never kissed anyone else before and he really wants him to be his first kiss.

"You should've just kissed me Tae instead of thinking so much!", He said in frustration.

"Ugh! The moment was so beautiful but it was ruined!!"


𝖨𝖭 𝖫𝖮𝖵𝖤 𝖶𝖨𝖳𝖧 𝖬𝖸 𝖠𝖲𝖲𝖨𝖲𝖳𝖠𝖭𝖳 {𝖳𝖠𝖤𝖪𝖮𝖮𝖪} ✔️Where stories live. Discover now