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"This is BH news, reporting about another Murder here in Beacon Hills. A teacher from Beacon Hills High School was found dead this morning in their bedroom, showing no signs of force entry and no robberies. The public seems to assume that Void is back to target this town again after two years. We all thought Beacon Hills was finally in peace only for our famous killer to return and finish his games."

She stares at the chess board in front of her, gripping one of the black pawns as she grazed her fingers over it. She sets the pawn down to the side where the rest of the pawns were located off the board. She gives the other end a glance, narrowing her eyes at Stiles pawn pieces. He still had his king and queen and a few of his knights. He was ahead of the game and she was losing it.

She counts her taken pawns—four were off the board and the fifth one was just taken. He had killed 5 people already, for all she knew his next target could be very soon and she needed to figure out who was next before it was too late. Hearing the bell ring, she gathers her things and leaves the table that was located behind the library shelves on the second floor, giving the board one last glance over her shoulder.

"Morning Class—" She looks up from her notebook, eyeing the teacher as they lean against their desk. "You all must've heard on what happened to one of our history teachers." They began. "But, we must not let this interfere our lessons." Y/n rolls her eyes at the teachers comment they sound like they really cared about the history teacher who was just murder in their own house. How can they not be upset that someone that they have worked with is dead?

"Now, lets begin our lesson." They turn back to the board and continue on with the lesson.

Y/n ignores the teachers voice and looks to her right to see Stiles seat empty, its been four days since the last time they've seen each other. She remembers the night they spent together only for her to wake up with him gone. She expected that from him, she didn't think much about their night together. The two were hormonal and had to find a way to release their desires. They weren't dating nor were they friends—right?

She never really thought of their friendship being anything meaningful, knowing that Stiles was void and killing all of these people with dumbass reasons and having fun with it. But, she can't help but feel worried. He's been gone for four days and no sign of him anywhere, she waited every morning in the library where the two usually met up and he never showed. The only thing she's heard about was the killing that happened yesterday night and was reported this morning.

The reporter confirmed that Void was involved with the killings and that he had returned to Beacon Hills. Now that she thinks about it, how long has stiles been killing these people? If he retuned does that mean that he's been causing murders in different towns or was he taking a break from his game and looking for new pawns?

Y/n pulls herself out of her thoughts. She needs to figure this out, she itched to know.

"I think I'm going to throw up." She exclaimed, gaining the teachers attention as she stands from her desk. "What?" The teacher raises a brow. "I said I'm going to throw up." She repeats herself, grabbing her bag and rushing towards the door ignoring the teachers shouting as she speed walks down the empty halls and quickly getting outside, heading towards her parked car.

She's quick to unlock the door and tosses her bag to the passenger seat.

"Leaving so soon?"

She gasps and turns around in her seat to see Stiles sitting in the backseat with a grin on his face, he raised a hand that was covered in blood and gives her a small wave. "Hi." He says in the most innocent voice. Her eyes roam his clothes, noticing a few blood stands on his hoodie and pants. Her eyes travel back to his hands that were covered in blood, watching him as he wipes them on his pants. "I don't look very presentable, huh?" He chuckles out, scratching the side of his jawline.

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