Two - 二

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"She lied to you, why else would she keep this hidden from you?"

Y/n spent the next day in the school library. Sitting on the table that was on the second floor, scrolling through her phone as she continues to look for anymore crime scenes that were related to Void. She stayed up all night doing research about this, not believing that this void guy has been murdering people for years and is shocked to know that no one has caught them.

Sighing deeply, she pulls her notebook close and with a pen she writes down small notes onto the side of another paragraph. She just finished reading the previous article about Allison Argents death that took place a few days ago. She knows that the girl used to come to this school and was very young, had many good friends and didn't hold grudges for anyone. She also found out that Alison was dating a guy named Scott McCall, captain of the Lacrosse team here in Beacon Hills high.

She desperately wanted to speak to Scott about the girls death but knew that it wasn't a good idea. The guy was probably depressed because his girlfriend was murder and honestly, she hasn't spotted Scott anywhere in school. She's seen his pictures around the school but hasn't seen him at all. Maybe he was mourning still and wasn't feeling well enough to go back to school yet. She understood the feeling of losing someone, but she wasn't like everyone else during funerals. Her mother cried and bawled her eyes out but Y/n was the only one who didn't cry, who didn't shed a tear for her dead father of so many years and she never knew why. She remembered the weird looks their neighbors gave her and how they murmured about her.

"Did you see? Not one tear."

"She probably doesn't care that her father is dead."

"What an ungrateful child."

Y/n had ignored those murmurs, not letting them get to her. She wasn't the only strange one, after the funeral was over her mother did cry and mourn but it only lasted for two days before she was back to being her happy self and forgetting like anything happened. She never touched her fathers things and never mentioned him either. It's like he never existed.

"I thought I'd find you here!"

She looks up to see Stiles approaching her with a big smile on his face. Giving him a small smile in return she placed her pen inside her notebook. "Hey, stiles hows your morning going?" She asks, closing her notebook slipping it back inside her bag, not noticing that stiles was eyeing her notebook with a small frown on his face before pulling his fake smile again once Y/n turns to face him.

"Mornings great! A little dark and gloomy and full of dead people." He shrugs and sits across from her, setting his bag next to one of the bookshelves. "I figured you might want to get our game started." He adds, pulling the board that was pushed aside into the middle of the table, giving Y/n a grin as he gestures for her to go first.

Letting out a defeat sigh and sits up straight and makes the first move of the game. "Your turn."

Stiles eyes grow dark as he glanced at her, chuckling as he moves closer. "Indeed it is." He grabs one of the black pawns and makes his move. "Looks like our little game has started."

The two never finished their game, always getting interrupted by the bell causing the two teenagers to go their separate ways. Y/n never asked Stiles what classes he had or if he wanted to spend lunch time together. She was new and right now, stiles was the only person who has spoken to her more than once. She actually took advantage of asking stiles questions during their game in order to get to know him better.

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