Chapter 1

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I was surrounded by woods.

The trees, leaves and strange insects were all I had for comfort. Not like they made this any more tolerable.

There was a lack of sunlight, and very little resources. But I had gotten used to it all, almost becoming part of the twisted, messed up forest. For I was also twisted and messed up. That made the idea of not knowing how long I would be a prisoner to the woods a bit more, if you will, comforting.

and I needed all of the comfort possible...

I had been here, roaming this erie place, for almost a decade now, 

All because of a silly hope.

One that I knew, could not be helped.

Because I now know the full truth, and being reminded of it often made tears well in my eyes...

I cry more than the average 20 year old.

Infact, most of my days would be spent sitting somewhere extra depressing, and letting the tears fall down my face uncontrollably.

 I don't hold them back, because whenever I cry, I find that I can stand a little taller, and face challenges with a bit more confidence then before.

By crying, I am slightly mending my many wounds, created by all the pain, loss, and suffering I have experienced throughout my harsh, unforgiving life.

But even through it all, the greatest medicine for a broken soul like mine, is the love that you find in other people. People who may have experienced a bit of the same pain as you, and understand your suffering.

A little bit of love, can heal a wounded soul.

And that was what I was searching for, lost love, that I hoped to be reunited with.

All of the crying, depression, and loneliness had become part of me. I had not seen a single human being in almost 10 years now, and that ment I had not experienced the comfort of a single living creature since my golden days.

Most nights, I would cry myself to sleep, and have dreams about Hyrule, and the Kokiri, and...Zelda.

I would give up everything I had ever owned to see her enchanting face, and beautiful sapphire eyes again. Even if it was just for a moment. All I wanted was her to wrap her arms around me, and say in a hushed voice; "Everything is going to be okay..."

I would sometimes doze off, and have these...flashbacks.

Memories from my past.

The benefit of these flashbacks, are the fact that usually they were happy memories, a good amount of them from my childhood days.

And as you might have guessed, they helped me regain my confidence.

I have started to realize that the woods are giving me a bit more character.

I was so deep in thought, lost in my own head, that I didn't notice the sky that was now dark.

 I was brought back to reality by a loud snap behind me. Quickly, I jerked around to see what the cause of the sound was. My hands dwindling above the large sword on my back.

 "Who's there!?" I heard a single voice yell. 

Though I couldn't see a thing in the dark, my senses told me that whoever- whatever it was, stood not to far from where I was. My estimate was about 12 feet at least.

"I h-have a weapon, and I'm not scared to use it!" The small voice echoed.

I stopped.

Was this some sort of joke? Clearly whatever was there did not sound convincingly dangerous. 

I didn't feel threatened in any way. In fact, I felt almost anxious to see who or what this was. 

If there was a clear sign of life, that ment I was getting closer to what I had been searching for these many, long years. 

"State your business here!" It said, with a bit more confidence, "Why are you in the woods? No one dares to come to this dangerous place, unless-"

It also stopped.

This was my chance. I took a few steps closer to the sound and revealed my identity.

"Unless what, my little friend?"

He looked up at me, awestruck in neither fear, nor excitement.

"Why, you''re HIM."

 "Well that depends, what do you mean by, 'him'?"

The creature that had spoken to me, was a little skull kid, wielding a Deku stick in one hand, and a little flute in the other.

Seeing this made me chuckle.

"You're Link!"

 He actually knows who I am? I was fairly impressed.

"How do you know my name little skull kid? " I asked, rather baffled.

"Why, everyone knows who you are mister! You're a legend among us skull kids!"

Now I was confused.

"Legend you say?"

He just smiled.

"Yes! All of us have heard stories about your bravery and kindness towards our kind." He bowed down, "It is an honor to finally meet you!"

I forced a smile back.

"So anyway, what brings you to our forest?"

I got an idea.

"You see, I'm trying to find my way OUT of this forest, but I believe that I am terribly lost. Do you know which way I should go? "

He beamed happily, a smile spreading across his face.

"Why, I would love nothing more!" He said excitedly, "Follow me!"

I was happy to have a guide, and also secretly relieved that I didn't have to travel alone any longer.

"To Hyrule!" He said.

I smiled.

To Hyrule, my home.

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