47. What Are You Afraid Of?

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"Actually, at the beginning, I didn't quite agree with you marrying Lisa." Jisoo said suddenly. "Because I don't believe anyone who's not related by blood will be as wholeheartedly good towards Lisa as us."

"Jisoo?!" Gong Yo couldn't stand it anymore and shouted to stop his eldest son. Can't she see that Jennie is already blaming herself? How can she sill say that?!

"Dad, let me finish saying this." Jisoo ignored Jennie's pale face and continued to say, "I'll be the one to tell you that you guessed right, if anything happened to Lisa, we, in fact, would really blame you."

"Jisoo, don't say anymore." Go Eun can't look at it anymore, she comforted Jennie and said, "Jennie, don't listen to her nonsense."

Jennie didn't say anything, she stubbornly looked at Jisoo, waiting for her to finish talking.

"But... would you leave Lisa for fear that we would blame you?" Jisoo ignored her mother, and she continued to talk about this unfinished problem.

"No way." Jennie replied without thinking.

"Then, what are you afraid of?" Jisoo asked, "You're Lisa's wife, Lisa's legal partner, either under law or under moral constriction, you are Lisa's closest person. If you have the closest relationship, you should bear the greatest responsibility, if you don't have this responsibility, then just divorce quickly."

Jennie was silent, the Manoban parents were also silent, at that time, the dining room was quiet for a while.

"I understand." Jennie straightened her waist, her face no longer confused and remorseful. She smiled, then turned around to leave the dining room.

After Jennie left, Go Eun looked at Jisoo with blame as she scolded, "What you said was obviously filled with good intention, but why can't you speak better?"

"How to speak better then?" Jisoo asked back.

"Couldn't you say that we wouldn't blame her no matter what happened?"

"This word, can you believe it yourself?"

"However, if you say it like this, Jennie's pressure is already big, it was already difficult for her to marry Lisa." Go Eun was scared that Jisoo's words would scare Jennie away.

"Mom, Jennie... really likes Lisa. Believe in her a bit." Saying this, Jisoo also left the dining room.

"..." Go Eun blanked for a while, it took her a while before the door was closed and she finally shouted, "What nonsense, where do I not trust Jennie?!"

"Alright, alright." Gong Yo appeased his agitated wife, "Jisoo probably thinks... Jennie had done better than us."

Gong Yo was actually more curious about what Jisoo saw that he suddenly had such a big change towards her. He had confirmed that Jennie wouldn't easily divorce Lisa before she decided to talk about this topic.

When Jennie returned to the room, Lisa was sitting quietly behind the desk while reading a book. As she heard the sound of her entering, she immediately put down the book and looked over.

"Your phone." Jennie took Lisa's phone out of her bag. This was handed over from Jisoo to her in the afternoon.

"I forgot that it was in the office this afternoon." Lisa took it and recalled that she forgot her phone.

"Don't you have a super memory? How can you forget your phone?" Jennie asked.

"I didn't think about it." Lisa thought that this kind of 'forgetting' had nothing to do with her good memory, but she didn't know how to explain it to Jennie, so she just simply chose not to explain it.

"Then, what if I want to find you if something happens?" Jennie moved a square stool and sat across Lisa.

"I was on my way to find you." Lisa smiled.

"Then, what if I'm not in the studio because of some matter?"

"..." Lisa frowned, suppose I try to walk to Jennie's studio but she's not there, and I don't have my phone thus I couldn't contact her... Suddenly, her mood became low, " I don't know."

"If you don't know, then just wait for me in that place." Jennie took Lisa's hand and said softly, "I will go and find you."

"But you wouldn't know if I'm going to go find you." Lisa's logic is very strong, she remembered that to create this surprise, she didn't tell Jennie in advance.

"As long as I want to find you, then I can find you."

"Then... I'll wait for you." Lisa liked this sentence, she nodded happily.

"However... so as to prevent me from keeping you waiting for too long, don't forget to bring your phone next time, ok?"

“Em.” Lisa clutched her phone firmly while promising earnestly, "I'll bring it with me in the future."

"And it has to be fully charged."


"Lisa... do you want to kiss me?"

Lisa blinked and blinked and then leaned her body over, crossing half of the table to arrive in front of Jennie's face.

The wind on the balcony lifted the corner of the curtain, blowing against Jennie's long hair. The silky hair winding around the palms of the two entangled hands, scratching their hearts softly.

Author's NOTE:

As a normal student, it's especially easy to be possessed by the sleeping God while working on the school problems, not to mention that the study room of the Manoban family was so comfortable.

As the young girl Jennie fell into a deep sleep, her saliva drooled out and made half of the test paper wet.

Teenager Lisa frowned at the sight, she exhausted her energy to pull out the paper from under Jennie's arms and dried it under the sun.

When she looked back, the saliva continued to flow down the desk.

Teenager Lisa could only sit beside young girl Jennie and help her wipe her saliva little by little with tissues.

Young girl Jennie woke up and opened her eyes, seeing the teenager's flourishing beauty up close, she couldn't help but blush.

"You... why are you watching me sleep?"

"You're drooling."

The young girl followed the teenager's line of sight to find a trash can fully filled with tissues.

My Husband With Scolar Syndrome [ Jenlisa ]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang