A garden table with four chairs was in one of the corners of the garden with a little haven made of hay on top of it, to grant shade to the table. Perth loved it before he even got to enter the house.

The driver, who's name was Dimitris as the name tag placed on the left side of his jacket said, helped them get their luggage in the house. Inside, the villa was even more beautiful.

It's furniture were some white and some made of plain brown wood. A big white sofa was placed before the TV who was placed in a woody table. The rugs were the same pearly color and the curtains too, made out of a light material that permitted to see the sea and the garden.

Perth went to the bedroom and was baffled once again. Same as the living room, it was white furnished and the house appliances were all new, waiting for them to be used for the first time. The most amazing part was that the bedroom had a view of the backyard where there was a pool, and a bit far away you could see the sea again. It was perfect.

"Where am I sleeping?" Perth asked Saint as he realized there was only one bedroom for them to share. Saint's father of course had deemed it enough as they were a 'real couple' on his eyes.

Saint shrugged. "Wherever you please. Either in the room with me, or in the living room. It makes no difference to me."

Without speaking further Perth only nodded. Even though with his attitude Saint was making it difficult, Perth promised to himself that he would make it possible to enjoy those four days he was going to pass here.

The first three days passed quickly and Perth couldn't have been more sad. He had enjoyed everything the little island had to offer. The first day he had wondered around it, ending up on it's bazaar and buying little souvenirs Perth would forever keep, to remind himself to the miracle he had been in.

The food was his favourite. A variety of sea food and different types of meat made his days there even better, and for the first time in months he had felt hungry and happy to eat and taste everything.

On the second day Perth had decided to visit the sea. Dimitris had helped him by not leaving him alone, as Saint had made it his life goal to not leave the villa not even once.

The sea had been marvellous. The water was so clear that if he could take a picture he doubted people would understand his body was under water.

After getting back from the beach, Perth had taken a shower on the yard and immediately had taken a dive in the pool. He made the most of what he had. He swam in it for what seemed a half an hour and later got out of it.

He was walking around the pool to get to the sunbeds to get a bit of tan, when he felt someone's eyes on his back. He turned his head and saw two piercing eyes looking at him, most importantly at his legs.

Out of habit Perth pulled at his swimming trunk, conscious of his thick thighs, feeling uneasy under Saint's gaze. He felt himself blush when he saw the furrowing of Saint's brows. The boy walked away from the window and pulled the curtain back.

Perth decided to act as if he hadn't seen him and laid on the sunbed, his RayBan glasses on his eyes and enjoyed the rays for almost two hours. He wished he would never have to go back.

When Perth woke up the third day, he got up from the couch he had been sleeping in the past days and made his way into the bathroom of the bedroom. The only one in the house.

Saint wasn't there. He didn't pay much mind to it, not wanting to worry and stress himself further and went on to finish his business.

He ate a satisfying breakfast. The boy searched the TV for something to see, but he couldn't understand a thing since he didn't know how to speak Greek.

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