Slowly, Perth walked towards him and knocked on the opened door twice. Maybe, this was a bad idea, maybe he shouldn't even be here. But what was done was done, and Perth had made his presence already known.

Saint raised his head, looking tired and smelling like alcohol. "What?"

"Are you okay?" Perth placed his hands in front of him, his sock-clad toes moving.

The taller lad raised a brow and snorted. "Are you sure that's the only reason why you're here? Don't you have to be somewhere celebrating your "big achievment"? Or are you here making sure I am not beaten up again so you don't have to take care of me once more? Hm?" Saint didn't look as drunk as Perth thought he would be, maybe slightly tipsy.

Perth lowered his head grimacing, cursing himself for why he even bothered of getting himself worried over his uncaring husband. He sighed in defeat, and raised his hands, his sweater raising up, Saint following the movement with his eyes. "You don't have to respond like this. It was just a question. I don't wanna deal with your rudeness." Perth turned around to leave.

Before he reached the door, Saint's hand closed it and tugged at his elbow to get him once again inside. Perth's heartbeat peaked when he recalled the fridge scene, and he made sure to get some distance from Saint.

"Now, that you're here we're going to finish this conversation. You don't get to leave me hanging Perth. You know I hate it." Saint said, chewing at the side of his lower lip.

The smaller lad rolled his eyes. "I don't really care anymore, what you hate. I just asked if you were okay, and your response is only insulting me back. You know I don't have to care about what happens to you, but unfortunately I do. So accept the kindness from people sometime, and don't make a bloody big deal out of it."

Saint scoffed, waving his hand dismissively, "You care, right! Nobody cares just because. There's got to be a catch somewhere. What do you want Perth?"

"I don't want anything! Get that in your mind. I just asked because... well... just because." Perth turned around, looking at his hands, and feeling stupid from letting himself nearly slip out.

"Good choice of words, Yoda. Your height matches him too." Saint humorlessly laughed.

Perth bit the inside of his cheek, turned around once again and pursed his lips. "Ha ha ha. So funny I could die. Well at least Yoda is known for his wisdom you Tarzan, and at least the real Tarzan was raised in a jungle, what's your excuse Saint?"

Saint squeezed his eyes shut, a huff leaving his lips, and opened them again throwing a sinister look at Perth's direction, "You've got so brave lately. I am really curious to know where all of this is coming from. Hm?"

Perth rubbed his temples closing his eyes as to brace himself, "Look Saint, I know that somewhere in your brain, you got it fixated that I only care when I need something, and I really don't know where it came from. Maybe, you're like this with everybody. But, if you would've gave me the opportunity since the beginning to know me and to not rush on your own damn conclusions, today you would know that I just care about people, just because I can, and because I don't want anything in return. That's just who I am."

Saint blinked at him and looked around the room uncomfortable and sat at the end of his bed once again. Perth started thinking that it was the end of their conversation, but after a few seconds Saint spoke. "That wasn't my question."

Perth shook his head and breathed out in surrender. "Fine. You wanna know why I stand up to you now?"

Saint nodded without looking at him.

"Because there's nothing left for me to lose. Absolutely fucking nothing. I've lost my freedom, my ability to breathe easy, my ability to feel anything but numbness. I've lost my dignity with you bringing your whores at my house, with you making me work in the same place with one of your mistresses. I've lost everything because of you Saint. And you still think it's not enough."

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