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verb ~ make a marked change in form, nature or appearance


It was bad.

Of course, it was bad.

Sean had made it his mission to drag me out of my room and torture me for two hours every day. He calls it 'training', but I call it torture.

Part of me regrets allowing myself to get to the point I can't handle it anymore, but he was pushing me harder than before. Part of me was grateful he was hanging out with me again, though, and the boxing training really gave me a chance to land a punch or two on him in return. I didn't question how he made the time; I just accepted it.

It had been another couple of weeks, and Phoenix had officially been gone for six weeks in total. When it hit the one-month mark, I had expected his return, but it never happened. So I waited, for what, I don't know. But part of me was missing him, a weird part of me I couldn't understand. It must be the mate bond because the goddess knows he avoiding me like the plague.

I still sneaked off to Phoenix's room every night since I first discovered it. It has got to the point I can't last an hour in my room before I go up to his. I don't know what I'd do when he would come back.

Sean's signal snapped me back to reality, marking the end of training. Despite a decent yoga session, my legs felt too wobbly when I attempted to stand.

"I really kicked your ass today, huh?" Sean laughed and hauled me off the ground.

Lately, he's been making a habit of pulling me onto his back when I'm lazy. At first, I hated it, but as training went on, I took it as it came, since my legs turned to jelly.

So right now, he carried me on his back before he set me down on the back door's steps.

"You always make it hard." I groaned.

He chuckled. "That's true, but it's my job."

"Wish I had a job. I get bored," I grumbled.

"You'll have to talk to Alpha about that. I'm just here to direct your emotions into training." He snorted.

I sighed and rubbed at my ankles. "I'm doing good, though?"

He nodded. "I'd say you're caught up. Nearly on par with others your age."

I smiled softly. "Thanks."

He nudged me, and we sat in silence for a while. I had a hair appointment at two. Molly had persuaded me to go for a 'makeover' since I constantly moan about my hair getting knotty.

"Where are you going?" Sean asked when I stood.

"Surprise." I smiled down at him.

He raised an eyebrow. "My sister?"

"How'd you guess?" I teased.

He shrugged. "She's everywhere."

I laughed and nudged him goodbye. I wandered my way from the packhouse to find Molly in her store. It was a five-minute walk to the shopping area of pack lands and I didn't encounter many other wolves, thankfully. Molly wasn't working today, but her store was the only place I knew and had been, so we met there.

She greeted me warmly, dressed in a pretty red summer dress. I was still dressed in my workout clothes and didn't have time to shower. Molly lead me down the small road for another minute before we stopped outside the salon.

Molly nudged me inside first, and I stood awkwardly as we waited for the woman to greet us. She turned to us expectantly, greeting Molly with a warm smile. Her age surprised me, but her hair was dyed a vibrant pink and red, reminding me of a lollypop. Her blue eyes narrowed as she noticed me beside Molly, the wrinkles around her eyebrows furrowing as she studied me.

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