Chapter 16 (S1, E4) - Done Over

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"Hard at work then, eh?" Polly asks Anna with a grin as she lifts her head from looking at The Garrison's books to face her mentor.

"Pol, what are you doing here?" she asks

"John's asked us to come for a family meeting" Polly explains, "you'll come round by the shop today, right?"

"Yes, of course" Anna says, "in fact after I've gone over these accounts, I'll make my way over to the shop" she adds as Polly grins at her. "What?"

"You look different" Polly comments.

"Bad different or good different?" Anna asks her amusedly.

"Good" Polly says, "defintely good" she adds before walking off as Anna collected the ledgers for the pub in hopes of finishing them up at the betting shop in her own office.

⚜️The Me You Can See⚜️

"Leaving already, Ms. Williams?" Grace asks her as Anna heads for the main door.

"Just for a few hours and then I'll come back here" Anna replies, not really giving too much information away to the spy. The only reason that Grace was still alive and kicking is because if the Peaky Blinders killed an agent of the Crown then they would bring hell fire on themselves. "Tell Arthur where I've gone if he asks, okay?"

Grace nods at this as she went back to cleaning the counter in front of her as Anna made her way down the street and headed to the Shelby home.

She spots Finn running headed in her direction. "Finn? What's wrong?" she asks him as she steadied him by the shoulders in hopes of getting him to calm down.

"I've gotta get to Tommy" he adds, "Anna, we've been done over" he adds as he runs off as Anna raced to the Shelby home when she hears his revelation.

She doesn't care if anyone on the street looks at her strangely as she burst into the room, scattering the papers that she had in her hands all over the table as she ran over to Scudboat, who was covered in blood and was groaning as he tried to stand.

"Scud" she says in concern, "what happened?" she asks him as she helps him up.

"The fucking Lees" he says to her as she bites her lower lip grimly as she thought about how they should have expected that the Lees would want revenge on the Shelbys after they took their meal tickets from out of their hands by helping Billy Kimber.

Tommy and the others run into the shop a minute or two later as Anna went to pour some clean water to clean Scudboat up with as Arthur poured him something to drink. John angrily kicks an empty cash box away from him.

"What the bloody hell 'append 'ere?" Arthur asks Scudboat.

"The Lees. All of them" Scudboat informs them, "cousins, nephews, even the bastards" he adds.

"They've taken anything they can lay their hands on" Polly informs them grimly, "four cash boxes" she adds.

"They left these" Tommy says as he holds up a pair of wirecutters.

"Wirecutters? Why would they leave wirecutters?" she asks them.

"Nobody move" Arthur says immediately as Anna looks between all of them in panic when she hears Arthur's tone.

"I think our friends are playing the game" Tommy says. Anna can hear a slight twinge of fear in his voice and fear coming from Tommy can hardly be a good thing.

"Can someone please explain what's going on?!" Anna asks them fearfully when a tense air settles in the room.

"What game?" Polly asks angrily as she moves only for John to interject.

The Me You Can See [1] (T. Shelby/OC) BWWM✅Where stories live. Discover now