Chapter 3 - The Real Tommy Shelby

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Tommy was walking out of Lizzie's room when he bumps into Anna, who was talking with one of the women who worked at the brothel.

"Oh Anna, hello. How are you?" Lizzie greets the cocoa skinned woman with a kind smile from behind Tommy.

"Hello Lizzie. Good morning Mr. Shelby" Anna says as she inclines her head toward them in greeting, "I'm quite well thank you" she replies to Lizzie, "I'll see you next week Mary-Louise" she says to the woman who beams at her before taking off quickly.

Anna suspects it's because of Tommy. People either respected him or feared him and Mary-Louise was clearly in the group of the latter.

However she is no fool. She's also noticed that a lot women actually wanted Tommy Shelby. Personally she doesn't see the appeal but to each person their own.

"Ms. Williams" Tommy says as he inclines his head toward her, "on your way to the betting shop then, eh?" he asks her.

"Yes, I just need to drop this bag off at my flat and then I'll be on my way" she says. Anna can't help feeling weird about being in his presence with Lizzie there, especially since she knew what had taken place between them. "I should go" Anna says as she clears her throat awkwardly as she moves to walk off.

"We haven't a clue what we'd do without you, Anna" Lizzie says as she looks between Tommy and Anna as if trying to figure something out.

"I'm happy to help wherever I can" Anna says humbly, "excuse me" she says before walking off as Tommy lights a cigarette as he watched her walk off. Tommy walks off as Lizzie watches him longingly.

It seems she's finally figured out who the woman that held Tommy Shelby's interest and attention is.

⚜️The Me You Can See⚜️

"You never did tell me what it is that you do in the brothel, Ms. Williams" Tommy comments as he follows her out the brothel. And here Anna thought that she could get away from him before he could catch up.

"Oh I'm sure you're well aware, Ms. Shelby, after all there is little that goes on in this city that you don't know" she replies as she turns to face him.

"There's a difference when you hear something from one person and hear it from the horse's mouth" Tommy says as he takes a drag of his cigarette.

"My mother was gifted with nursing but she wasn't a nurse and she shared some of her knowledge with me" she reveals simply, much to his surprise. She hadn't expected her to share the bit about her mother with him.

In that moment he can't help but recall his aunt's words.

"She's a good woman with a good heart."

"Would you like a ride back to your flat?" Tommy asks her as he flicks the ash from his cigarette as Anna looked at him carefully.

They had agreed on a truce and since then he's been careful not to be short with her and she in turn has been careful not to insult him as much as she used to.

To his face, at least.

"I'd like one" Anna replies as he nods at this as he gestures to his car as she follows him to it. He surprises her by opening the door for her.

"Well don't look so surprised, Ms. Williams, I was raised to be a gentleman" he says as she climbs into the passenger side.

"So then you purposely chose to forget that?" she asks him, unable to help herself as he closes the door as they look at each other.

The Me You Can See [1] (T. Shelby/OC) BWWM✅Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin