Chapter 6 - Anna's Date

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"Tommy, what the fuck did ya do to Anna, mate?" John asks his brother.

"What makes ya think I had anythin' to do with Anna bein' angry, John?" he asks his brother when John bursts into his office.

"Who else could it be?" John retorts as if Tommy is asking a stupid question. He knows that Tommy and Anna were the only ones that could push each other's buttons.

"Maybe she's just upset" Tommy replies, taking a drag of his cigarette as John gives him a disbelieving look at this. Anna walks past his office, chatting with Polly and that's when Tommy sees that she's got her hair down.

"She looks extra fookin' pretty today, by the way" John comments with a snicker as he watched his brother's eyes follow Anna and Polly. "Ol' Trev even took a shot at her and asked her out for drinks tonight" he says as Tommy's eyes snap up to face his brother.

"He did what?" he asks.

"Oh yeah" John says, enjoying getting a rise out of his normally stoic brother. "Anna said yes too" he reveals as Tommy stubs out his cigarette at this, "don't got no problem with that, right Tommy?" he asks as Tommy slips into his jacket and heads out his office, ignoring his brother's question.

"Tommy, Charlie wants ta see ya about Monaghan Boy" Arthur says to him as Anna and Polly continued to speak in hushed whispers.

For a second Tommy is worried that Anna is telling Polly the truth about the weapons to get back at him for his rude comment last night but something tells him that as angry as Anna may be at him she wouldn't betray his trust now as she'd given him a deadline to tell his family the truth.

"Did he say what it's about?" Tommy asks him.

"What am I? A fookin' messenger?" Arthur asks him in annoyance. "Go ta him an' bloody find out!" he adds.

"Arthur" Anna calls for him as they turn to face her. Seeing her with her hair loose at work was an unfamiliar sight for Tommy but it was appreciated none the less. The curls framed her heart shaped face perfectly. "There's a bottle of that stuff you like so much on your desk" she adds, not even looking at Tommy.

The concoction was something Anna experimented on but Arthur claimed that it helped him with his hangovers so Anna made it for him every morning.

"Thanks love" Arthur says, being gentle with her when he'd been nothing but short with his brother. Tommy wonders if she'd told Arthur that he'd pissed her off but then he recalls that his brother is usually in a bad mood whenever he's hungover, which is basically all the time.

Anna nods at this as she walks off.

"What the fook did you do ta piss 'er off, Tommy? She ain't been that cold to you in months" Arthur asks his brother as he watched Anna walk off.

Tommy doesn't respond to this as he follows Anna out of the betting shop, closing the door that separates the rest of the house from the betting shop as he does. "Anna-Maria" he calls for her as she whips around to face him.

"Yes, Mr. Shelby?" she asks in a polite tone as she looked at him with a blank expression.

"Back to Mr. Shelby then, eh?" he asks her. She never called him Mr. Shelby anymore. It was always Tommy or Thomas Shelby and he'd much rather prefer his full name in comparison to Mr. Shelby. She usually always called him by his full name whenever she was upset with him.

"Did you need something?" she asks plainly, not wanting to be in his presence for longer than necessary. Tommy rubs the back of his neck sheepishly as he and Anna stared at each other.

"I spoke out of turn last night" he says.

"I think you spoke what you truly felt so who can blame you for it" she says coldly as Tommy takes a step closer toward her only for Anna to take a step back, a harsh look appearing in her eyes as she does.

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