Chapter 11 (S1, E2) - Inspector Campbell

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Anna styles her hair into the finger wave style as she got ready for a day of shopping. Tommy told her something about going to the fair that's on the outskirts of the city with his brothers since it's a Sunday.

Anna suggested that they take Finn out as an early birth present to him.

Anna makes her way down the stairs leading out the main door of her flat building and it's when she steps outside that she notices that the streets were surprisingly bare.

"Strange" she comments as she rounds a corner only to round a corner and see coppers ransacking the houses. "Fuck" she cusses softly as she hurries her steps, averting her gaze to the ground as she rushed to the Shelby home. "Polly!" she shouts as she made her way into the Shelby home.

She knows that the woman would soon be going to church and seeing as Anna wasn't a believer she chose to go shopping today.

"Bloody 'ell, Anna!" the woman shouts as she made her way downstairs. "What in the--"

"Coppers are ransacking the houses" Anna cuts her off.

"Fook" Polly curses, "we've gotta hide the money from the races" she adds as Anna nods at this as they rush to do that before the coppers reach the Shelby home.

Anna and Polly run around like headless chickens as they hid the money in the loose floor board in Anna's office.

"Come along then" Polly says as she puts on one of her many veils and hooks arms with Anna as they make their way to the catholic church.

Anna does the sign of the cross in respect as Polly does the same. Anna may not believe but her parents did and doing this still felt like showing respect to them.

Polly went to go and show her respect to the fallen soldiers by lighting candles for them as Anna sat in the pew at the back as she watched her much like she always did during the war.

Polly would always pray for her nephews during the war and even now with all of them returned from war she still kept up with the tradition for those who lost their lives in the war. Anna doesn't bother turning when she hears footsteps as someone entered the church.

A man in a black bowl hat and a brown trench coat makes his way into the church, smoking a pipe as he did. The man glances Anna's way when he spots her sitting at one of the pews and she turns to face him too as he walks on. White hair was starting to peek out from under his hat but his mustache was still quite dark.

"Ma'am" he tilts his hat to her as he made his way toward Polly.

"A gentlemen would take off his hat and put out his pipe" she says to him. The man puts his pipe out on one of the pews and even with her back turned from him she can can tell what he's doing as she tense at his disrespect. "I see you Specials only dare come here when you know the boys are all away at the fair" she says as Anna watched their interaction from where she sat.

"You mean your nephews? With their guns and their razors?" the inspector asks her, "is it them you're lighting candles for?" he asks her.

"No" Polly says, "I'm lighting candles from the boys from the Garrison who lost their lives in France" she retorts, "there's a list there. Look" she says, gesturing to the list with the names. The man's silence almost makes Anna want to snort. "Hear you didn't make it to France, inspector Campbell" Polly says, adding salt to the wound of his inability to serve with his countrymen.

"You've heard of me" he says as he makes his way toward her, towering over her as if to intimidate her. "I've heard of you" he says before making his way deeper into the church.

"Is it the Holy Grail you're looking for?" Polly asks mockingly.

"As a matter of fact, it is the Holy Grail I'm looking for" he says as he turns on the heel of his foot to make his way toward he rokce again, "somethin' precious, somethin' stolen" he says before pushing her roughly against the wall.

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