Chapter 18 (S1, E5) - Through Thick And Thin

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"Ada" Anna says, knocking on the door of Ada's flat. "I brought some food for you and the baby" she adds.

"Go away, Anna!" Ada retorts as she tried to calm her crying baby.

"I'm not here to ask you to forgive Tommy or anything like that" Anna informs her. "I just brought you and the baby some food" she comments, "bought it myself with my own money" she adds. "Tommy and Polly don't know I'm here" she revealed.

"I don't care and I don't want your basket!" Ada retorts angrily.

"Okay" Anna says with a sad sigh, "you may not want it but the baby's got to eat" she adds, "I'm not going to stop knocking until you take it, Ada, and we both know how stubborn and persistent I can be" she commented stubbornly and there's silence for a while before the door opens slightly.

"Push it in" Ada says in annoyance as Anna pushes the basket through the gap.

Ada slams the door when Anna has pushed the basket through and she walks off, relieved that she'd taken the basket at the very least.

⚜️The Me You Can See⚜️

Tommy makes his way into the office where Anna was working as she lifts her head to face him.

She could see the sadness in his eyes as he sinks into the chair beside her.

He seemed like he was carrying the weight of the entire world on his shoulders and she wishes that she could do more to help him carry it but she was just as helpless as he was.

He was convinced that his family hated him.

They were angry at him but Anna wouldn't go so far as saying that they hated him.

They were disappointed that's for sure but that's because they don't know the truth.

"Polly is still mad as hell" he comments as he proceeded to pull a cigarette out of his tin and lights it up, "and Ada refused to take the basket of food that she brought for her" he shared.

"I went to see her after you left" Anna reveals to him as his eyes widen in surprise at this while she went back to diarising everything for The Garrison.


"She's still fuming with anger" Anna admits.

"She spoke to you?" he says in surprise.

"Briefly" Anna admits before turning to face him, "she reluctantly accepted the basket I gave her so I imagine that's why she refused Polly's" she adds as Tommy cups his girlfriend's face and kisses her forehead in slight relief at hearing that Ada had fresh food delivered to her.

Anna offers him a small smile in response.

"What are you doing?" he wondered when he drew back from her slowly, looking at her in devotion.

"Just diarising stuff" she replies dismissively as he takes her pen from her and draws a black star for the 3rd of December. "What's that for?"

"Black Star Day" he says, "for when we take down Billy Kimber" he adds as Anna nods stiffly at the mention of that man.

"Does the family know?"

"No" he shakes his head, "they hate me, remember?"

"They hate what they think you've done" Anna corrects tenderly when she cups his face.

"I have no way to prove my innocence to them" he says.

"You'll get your opportunity, love. Just – give it time" Anna reassures him as Tommy caresses her face tenderly at this.

The Me You Can See [1] (T. Shelby/OC) BWWM✅Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora