Chapter 12 - Glorious Revolutions

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"Did you know?" Tommy asks Anna as he bursts into her office angrily as she lifts her head from looking at her work to face him. She opens her mouth to ask him what he's talking about, "did you fookin' know?!" he demands angrily as Anna hops out of her seat angrily at this.

"What the hell are you talking about?!" she asks him angrily.

"She must have told you" Tommy says, "the two of you are close" he adds, "don't pretend otherwise" he adds as Anna scowls at him. "Ada is pregnant with Freddie fookin' Thorne's baby" he adds as Anna's anger melts into surprise at the revelation.

She and Ada hadn't been talking as much lately but she does know that Ada was sleeping with Freddie. She just never saw it as her right to tell anyone this.

"I didn't know" Anna starts coolly, "but if you think that you can just waltz into my office and demand answers from me like I'm a minion of yours then you have got another thing coming Thomas Shelby" she adds furiously. "Now I'll ask you to kindly get the fuck out of my office" she adds as she grabs a seat in her chair.

"Anna--" he starts when he realizes that she appeared as surprised by him at the revelation.

"Get the fuck of out my office Thomas Shelby. I have nothing to say to you" she says icily as she stares back him with a blank facial expression. She and Tommy have a brief stare-down before he walks out her office as she watched him walk off.

Anna exhales slowly at this as she runs her hands across her face.

He truly has some fucking nerve to burst into her office and accuse her of things she knows nothing about. Sure, she knew about Ada and Freddie as a couple but she didn't know that Ada was pregnant and even if she had she would have no right to tell Tommy about it because that's Ada's business.

⚜️The Me You Can See⚜️

"Anna" Ada says hesitantly, about to rise from her seat but Anna gestures for her to remain seated as she sits across from her. "I should'a told ya, I'm sorry" Ada says as she averts her head in shame.

"No" Anna says as she shakes her head, "you didn't have to" she adds as Ada lifts her head to face her with tears in her eyes. "Are you alright?" she asks her as Ada bursts into tears as Anna rises from her seat to go and comfort the other woman as Ada sobbed into Anna's top.

"S-Sorry" Ada sniffles as she draws back from her, "I'm getting me snot all over your top" she adds.

"Don't worry about it" Anna assures her. "Where's Freddie?" she asks Ada gently

"I haven't got a fookin' clue" Ada admits to her, "when the coppers were raidin' the 'ouses he disappeared and I haven't heard a thing from him since" she adds, "do you think maybe Tommy knows? He fookin' knows everything" Ada sniffles with a grumble.

"It's possible" Anna says.

"Can you ask him for me, Anna?" Ada asks her.

"I don't think Tommy would wanna see my face right now" Anna says.

"Why not?" Ada asks, puzzled at this. Anna sighs heavily at this as she starts to update Ada about the newest development between herself and Tommy.

To say that Ada is surprised is not a good enough description. She was astounded at the fact that Anna would willingly enter into a relationship with Tommy.

"I don't care if ya court him, Anna. He's still a tosser" Ada says stubbornly as Anna snorts at this. Ada has always made her annoyance with Tommy known from the first moment the two women met.

"I know you think he is" Anna says, "now, do you still want me to deliver that letter for you?" she asks as Ada nods at this.

⚜️The Me You Can See⚜️

The Me You Can See [1] (T. Shelby/OC) BWWM✅Where stories live. Discover now