Chapter 8 - Family Meetings

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"Anna" Finn says to the woman when she makes her way into the Shelby home on the following morning, "my birthday is on Sunday remember?" he says as Anna laughs at his excitement. No matter how much he liked to pretend otherwise Finn Shelby was still a little boy at heart.

"Birthday?" Anna says as she pretends to think over it, "I don't remember anything about a birthday" she says as she pretends to be oblivious to it.

"Anna!" he whines like the child that he is as Anna giggles at this.

"Fine, I remember it" she says as she pulls a chocolate sweet from her purse, "don't let Polly see that, okay?" she says as Finn giggles at this as he accepts the sweet from her as Anna ruffles his head gingerly as she makes her way into the Shelby betting shop through the door hidden behind the curtain in the dining room.

"Anna, come look at these!" John calls for her from his station when he spots her as she walks into the loud vetting shop.

"Has a miracle happened, John?" she asks him with a chuckle as she greets the other men.

"Look at this" he says excitedly as he shows her the books with all the bets. "All of these are for Monaghan Boy, Tommy's horse" he adds as Anna nods at this.

Tommy hadn't told her the full extent of his plan but she's guessing that this must be a good thing since Tommy barely does anything without thinking it out.

"Let's hope he doesn't win then eh?" Anna says as she walks over Arthur's office where she peeks her head inside as he grumbled angrily to himself, sounding like a growling bear as he slammed his drawers, searching for something.

"Looking for something?" she asks him.

"What does it fookin' look like I'm doin" he grumbles out angrily before facing her with a sigh, "s-sorry Anna" he says when he realizes his mistake.

"It's fine Arth" she says as she waves a dismissive hand, "we all have bad days" she says as she makes her way into his office and places the small bottle with his 'hangover cure' on the table for him.

"You're a fookin' lifesaver" he says as he gives her a grateful look.

"I'm happy to help" she says, "why are you so angry anyways?" she asks him.

"Fookin' Tommy" he says angrily as he unscrewed the cap for his drink and gulps it down. "He fookin' went to the Chinese quarter and did the powder trick" he adds angrily.

Anna doesn't respond at this because Arthur hops out of his seat angrily when he sees his younger brother as he makes his way out the office to go call him.

"Tommy!" he shouts for him, using his stern voice as he does, "Tommy! Get in here. Now" he repeats louder this time as Anna moves to head out his office before she's witness to a fight between the Shelby brothers.

Tommy's eyes land on Anna as she's walking out. Today she had her hair in her usual bun. Her eyes warn him not to set Arthur off as they walk past each other, neither of them saying a word of greeting as they let their eyes do the talking instead.

Tommy and Arthur's meeting doesn't last long before Tommy walks out as Arthur shouts loud enough for the whole shop to hear.

"I'm callin' a family council tonight at 8 o'clock. I want all of us there! Your hear me?!" he shouts angrily as Tommy walks off, "there's trouble comin'!" he adds.

⚜️The Me You Can See⚜️

Anna was preparing to leave when Ada bursts into her office all smiles as she hooks arms with her. "What on earth are you so excited about?" Anna asks her with a chuckle.

The Me You Can See [1] (T. Shelby/OC) BWWM✅Where stories live. Discover now