Chapter Twenty One

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Clara's POV:

My father, the Warlock, took me back to the hide-out house across town after we had disposed of the body of the dead wolf. I was annoyed and angry that we had not captured Selene and that she had gotten away. I huffed as I fell into my seat, and then I remembered that I had left my spellcaster book in that tiny cottage, which angered me further. 

"We should have killed her then and there," I huffed. 

"I know, but that mutt got in the way, and even with your block in place, she was more powerful than I expected." My father took a swig of some amber liquid from a crystal glass. 

"Now, what do we do?" 

"She knows I am here. We need to combine our forces and attack now. Hopefully, your block is still in place, and she will be too weak to fight for too long," 

"She is still a wolf,"

"Yes, but in wolf form, I can dispatch her quicker, and she won't shift for fear of her baby." 

I thought over my father's words and mulled over his plan. I knew he wanted this over with, and he wanted to dispatch Selene's nuisance. He and I could tell she was much more assertive this time. We could both feel that she was much more prepared this time, and it might have been because that older man warned her about who she was before I got to her. I agree that I had opened her mind to her past, but I did so to access her mind and her magic to put this block in place. The fight we were about to go into was going to be more complex and might even be one close to death. My father didn't have to go to war the last time; he was sneaky with dispatching her. 

I closed my eyes and breathed deeply to centre myself, and that is when I felt it. I could feel the magic I had left and put around Selene's magic coming down and back to me. I felt myself getting more robust, which was not good. 

"Father, her block is coming down!" I warned as my eyes flew open, and I stared at my father, whose eyes displayed fear, anger and worry. He downed his drink and paced a little before running his hand through his hair. 

"What can you see?" He asked me, emphasising the word 'See', and I knew he was talking about my Seer abilities. When my father had stolen the Seer ability from the other witch years ago, he had used this magic. Still, after a couple of months, he was disinterested in it, and so when he got my mother pregnant with me, he passed this power on to me; because I was born with it, it was integrated into my DNA, and so I was able to deal with it better. 

I looked at my father, and he nodded at me with power in his eyes. I let out a sigh and centred myself before closing my eyes and touching into my seer powers. I felt the energy and time stream tingle through my bloodstream. I felt the buzz get louder and louder inside my head, which hurt a little, but like turning on an old TV, the static started behind my eyes. The picture slowly became more transparent and evident as more power and magic rushed through my bloodstream. It began in the middle of the image before spreading out, but it still had black patches, unlike before. 

I tried to push further into the future, but nothing was there. I tried harder, forcing more power into it, but my seer magic showed nothing past the immediate future, no matter how much I pushed. I could only see the fight, and even then, I could only see the start of the battle, which was us bringing many warlocks and witches into a clearing field. I could not see Selene but saw her mate, Tomas, on the opposite side. 

I saw many wolves we would be fighting, but they were just shifted mutts and did not have the magic we had at our disposal. I felt sure that we could deal with them because they were not as strong without Selene. 

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