Chapter Eleven

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"You're ignoring me," Tomas said as he entered our bedroom. I was changing out of my clothes for the day and into my pyjamas. I was in my bra and panties when Tomas entered the room. He shut the bedroom door behind him as he came over to me. I will admit that a mixture of lust and apprehension washed over me. I had never and will never fear Tomas, but I was apprehensive about our intimacy. Now that I can remember the past and I know of part of my future, I am anxious about taking that step towards creating this required child. We had enough on our plate and enough to deal with without bringing in another issue. The revolution required my attention right now, and if I got pregnant, the Warlock and keeping the child, myself and Tomas alive would split my focus. 

"I'm not; I'm busy." This wasn't a lie, but it wasn't the whole truth. In the last two weeks, since Clara had given me back my memory and showed us the prophecy, I had been dealing with more revolution matters. A defective bomb had been found 3 miles North of my pack lands, and the security team saw another rogue scanning the parameter, which has tightened security now. 

As per my request, Alpha Reed had also come to the Pack Lands and told me all he knew about Vince and what had happened to him. 

"When did he leave?" I asked Alpha Reed as we sat in my office. He saw all of my plans and my intelligence on the Rebellion. 

"About four months ago. I went to his flat one day because he hadn't paid child support and found it empty. Much of his stuff and furniture was still there, so I thought he had gone on a trip and told no one. I tried contacting him in Wolf and Human ways, but there were no dice. I kept his flat the same way he left it for six weeks, and I put out on the Wolf Wide Web that he was 'missing', but no hits, so I gave his ex-breeders control of the flat, and they sold everything." Finally, Alpha Reed admitted to me and shrugged his shoulders in confusion. 

"How does someone just disappear?"

"I let my wolves come and go."

"No - one at the gates records when people leave?" 

"We do, which is why I know that Vince left four months and 12 days ago. So when you called me and told me that Vince was part of this Rebellion, I checked his movement log back."

"And?"  I asked impatiently. 

"He started coming and going from the pack lands more frequently about a month before he left entirely. He would leave at different times and return hours, sometimes days later. He stopped coming to pack celebrations and meetings. He became a recluse, and we put it down to the fact that the truth about who you were - are - came out. He was one of the most vocal and angry about the fact that you are the Moon Goddess. He was furious about your proposed Breeder changes."  Alpha Reed sat across from me and on the other side of my desk. 

"Him and many others,"

"In my pack, it was Vince, and then when females started getting mates, it was Peter. He didn't want to lose Nina, but then you came out with the fact that you could make people mates, which mollified him."

"But not Vince,"

"No, not Vince. If anything, he was angrier. I guess he thought that with you changing the 'rules' we had all grown up with, it meant he had even less of a chance with a mate." 

"You know as well as I that he didn't deserve a mate."

"And I think he knew that, and your thoughts and feelings on him amplified his hatred." 

"He wants me gone."

"And his life back."

"A lot of people are feeling that sentiment. Being Earthbound is pissing them off, and me changing their way of life back to what it should be anger a small percentage of people." 

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