Chapter Seven

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Adam moved into a small cottage on the Western part of the pack lands with Jade, who took to her newly awakened wolf well. Adam and I accompanied her on her first shift and run, which can be excruciating. Jade had created quite a bond with not only me but also Adam. She was very nervous around people still, and I kept having to remind her that she was not a cleaner anymore nor a servant. She got a job at the local nursery. 

Adam could not return to the Maple Pack, as Derek or the rest of the Rebellion could pick him up and hurt him. He and Jade were safer here, and Jade was pleased here. She said she did not wish to return to her old pack, and for now, she was happy around me. 

In return for my help, protection and Jade's love, Adam split all he knew about the Rebellious Resistance. It wasn't as if he knew the entire hierarchy, but he knew more low-level people and some mid-level people. Adam knew some of their bases and even the cave where his interview occurred. 

The cave, it turned out, was located in a nomad space in Yosemite, which was between three packs; the Nevada Pack, the Redding Pack and the West LA Pack. Thankfully the West LA and Redding Pack were allies that arrived at the meeting a few weeks ago. The Nevada Pack decided to stay neutral and ignored requests to tell us if any of their members had gone missing, which leads me to believe that many have. 

Pack scouts from Redding and West LA headed for Yosemite and the cave but found no one; however, they had cleared out so quickly that they had left some stuff, such as paperwork and a few pieces of equipment. This means they would be looking for a new base, and after Adam deflects to us, they would be going deeper underground. 

"You need to see this," Mark said as he entered my office. I sat at my desk reviewing the recent information Adam had told me about, trying to figure out my next move. I rolled my eyes at Mark again, not learning to knock. 

"You need to learn to knock." 

"I know; I'm sorry, but I just returned the paperwork that Redding and West LA Pack found in Yosemite." I looked up from my desk and at Mark, whose chest was heaving as he tried to catch his breath. Mark had, in his hand, a few pieces of paper, and I nodded at him before holding out my hand for him to give them to me. 

"What is it?" I asked as I skim-read the papers. 

"Names of people Derek was going to interview." I looked at the paper before turning to the next one. "And where they were coming from," Mark said as I skim-read the next page. "And some questions he was going to ask." 

"Have you shown Adam?" I asked as I collated the papers back together. 

"No, I thought I should show you first."


"Because of one particular name." I looked up at him, inviting him to continue. "Vince, the man you interviewed from the Hallow Pack last year." 

"I never liked that tit," I growled as I remembered Vince. "Call Alpha Reed; I want answers. I want to know what he knows about Vince's whereabouts and ask Adam if he knows of him." 

Adam was brought into my office and sat across from me. He smiled at me, and I smiled back. Adam had been happy since he met Jade, and I was glad he had seen that I was not evil or all that Derek had said about me. He worked as a mechanic while Jade was working in the nursery. 

"Did you know about Vince Ragnar being part of the Rebellious Resistance?" 

"Who?" Adam asked. 

"Vince Ragnar of the Hallow Pack. He used to have two breeders, sisters, and he would beat them if they gave him girls and raped them until they gave him sons. Finally, the beatings got so bad they felt they had no choice but to go to the Pack Doctor. Thankfully the Alpha was there and saved them." Adam looked pale and disgusted. "That man is part of the Rebellious Resistance." 

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