- 26: I'm in deep shit -

Start from the beginning

"Listen here buddy." Ryan said, stepping towards me, trying to be intimidating. "Whatever you're trying to do, it's not gonna happen and your attempts at it are getting pretty sad, you know?"

Amused by his confidence, I crossed my arms over my chest. "And what is it exactly that I'm trying to do?"

"You don't think it's obvious?" He scoffed. "Your sorry attempts to get noticed by Emily even after all these years."

I raised my eyebrows in amusement.

"Getting friend-zoned wasn't enough of a hint for you to back off, huh?" He said with a smug smile, making a muscle tick in my jaw. "I wouldn't stick around like a love sick bitch if I were you, man."

He patted my shoulder in sympathy, making me bite my tongue. "And what would you do if you were me?"

"Hmm... " He breathed out. "Let's see. Well, for starters I'd stay Miles away from Em, because, you know? That's what a person with self respect would do."

My glare intensified at the reference to her name, when I decided to take a smarter route.

I glared at him. "You really do- " I glanced behind him. "-oh hey Alec, what's up, man?"

Ryan's eyes widened and he whirled around so fast, he almost lost his footing. "Hey man, I was j-" He stopped once he noticed, the absolute fool he had made out of himself, as there was no one standing behind him.

I smirk, as Cole and Dylan burst out laughing.

Ryan whirled back around towards us and opened his mouth when I cut him off. "Yeah, that was a reminder of who you are. So you better stay in your limits rather than worrying about my self respect."

Ryan's face was red and the nerve on his forehead almost looked ready pop any second when a smooth voice cut in between our conversation.

"Uh what's going on here?" Miles walked closer to where we were standing, very slowly and cautiously. "Ryder? What are you doing here?"

My damaged brain, thought this would be the best moment to let loose a bunch of butterflies in my stomach, and make me feel giddy about the fact that she focused on me and ignored Ryan's mere existence, as soon as she reached us.

"Hey Em." Ryan said, stepping towards her, making her gaze snap to him.

"Oh hey, didn't see you there." She said with a confused smile. "What... Uh are you guys doing here?"

She eyed us all one by one, cautiously before stopping at me.

Maybe because I had a creepy smirk on my lips.

I couldn't help it. My prank was in action.

Ryan opened his mouth, to probably whine about the inconvenience that I am, when Em's gasp cut him off.

"What the actual fucking hell?!" She gasped, her eyes glued to her locker.

She raised one hand to her head and left it there, as she continued to stare at her locker in disbelief.

My smirk widened as she passed by Ryan without sparing him another glance, and walked closer to the locker, which was also right next to me and the guys.

The guys took a step back, because let's face it, we all saw what Miles is capable of and who knows when she might decide to end one of us.

"I was just asking them to not mess with you Em." Ryan said, placing a hand on her shoulder, making me automatically tense up. "Don't worry, I'll deal with them."

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