“It all makes sense now. The broken bones and bruises. The secrecy and lies.”

“Please just hear me out okay.” Holden pleaded and Addison granted his request.

The next half an hour seemed to go by in a snail’s pace as Holden explained the whole truth to Addison.

Are you insane? Your father was killed because of one of those beasts and yet you decided it would be a good idea to hop on one yourself? What if the same thing happens to you? How do you think your uncle, Grace or brother would handle things? How do you think your mother felt every time her husband risked his life? How do you think I should feel after hearing the truth?”

“My mother wasn’t just some New York socialite, she grew up in Texas and knew how things worked. She loved and supported my father no matter the risk.”

Just some New York socialite? At least now I know what you truly think of me.”

“Addy I didn’t mean it like that.” Holden reaches out to console Addison but she pulls away.

“Please don’t do this. Don’t shut me out.”

“Am I supposed to sit on the side lines and watch your body get tossed around then hold your hand when the medic’s tend to you? Do you think you would be able to watch me in emotional pain after seeing you get hurt?”


Then what do we do from here?” Addison’s eyes begin to tear and her breathe hitches.

“This is my father’s legacy. I won’t back away from it.”

Then there’s no use for us to continue this road trip. You drive back home and I’ll take the first flight out to New York.”

“What? No.”

“I wasn’t asking Holden.” Addison throws some things into her suitcase and zips it up before heading towards the door.

“Where are you going?”

To book another room. I’ll see you around Holden.”

“Don’t go.”

You kept me in the dark for months like a fool. I have to go.”

Holden slammed the door once Addison had left and collapsed to the floor in tears. Addison on the other hand felt numb after feeling an array of emotions.

Addison’s p.o.v

After arriving back on familiar soil, I’m greeted with the hustle and bustle that comes with the city. It had been a little over 12 hours since my fallout with Holden and everything still felt so raw. I took my phone of airplane mode and noticed missed calls from him and my father, guess which one I actually texted.

“Miss Mills. Miss Mills.”

I hear an oddly familiar voice screaming through the bustling noise of people. I look over to the direction of the voice and see my aunt Isabelle standing across from me, jumping for joy.

I run up to her and break down in her arms, if we weren’t in an airport surrounded by thousands of people doing the same thing this would have been awkward.

What are you doing here?” I gratefully ask.

“Well when my niece texted me that she was flying in instead of driving with the man she had gushed about I knew something was up and had to be here for my baby. Plus I brought you a surprise.”

Oooh what kind of surprise?”

I gleam like a child after hearing my aunt’s words, eagerly wanting to know what she had gotten me.

“Surprise.” A warm sensation washed over me after I recognised the voice, it had belonged to someone I shared countless memories with and who was one of the main reasons I didn’t want to leave New York in the first place.


"Welcome to New York."

There stood Micah with a bunch of flowers. He handed me the bouquet before I was engulfed by his hug. The scent of his cologne that I fell asleep breathing in on multiple occasions gave me the same sense of security it did before. His voice had calmed my racing heart and his smile made me feel slightly better.

Sunflowers and red roses, my favourite. Thank you.” I say after taking a deep breathe in

“Of course little cloud. It’s good to see you.”

It’s good to see you too.” I smile at him and he reciprocates.

It’s funny how the universe works no wait, it’s confusing how it works. Did it give me something that I need? A familiar, dependable love or was it playing a cruel trick on me, one that would lead to dire consequences down the line?

End of p.o.v

𝐑𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐨 𝐃𝐚𝐳𝐞  ✓ जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें