Kagami, on the other hand, had some unfinished business to attend to with Kise, so he had moved to the front of the group.

"Listen- hey!" The red head tried to say.

But it seemed like Kise's interest lay somewhere else as he approached his two former teammates.

"You know, Kurokocchi, ever since you turned down my request to join our team, I've been crying into my pillow practically every night," the blonde model whined as he wiped his supposed tears with his arm.

And then, he turned to (Y/N) trying to make his eyes look more glossy before placing his hand over his heart.

"And (Y/N)cchi broke my heart even more. She's the first girl to ever reject me like that!" Kise complained dramatically.

Seirin simply sweat-dropped at the childlike behavior of Kise. So, this was the Generation of Miracles, huh? Kuroko just kept a blank stare as his best friend deadpanned slightly. She already had two dramatic idiots to deal with in her family, and she certainly didn't need another.

"What is up with this guy?" Hyuga questioned.

This guy was just being a huge drama queen, and not only that, but Kise didn't really seem to be acknowledging the rest of the Seirin team.

"Hurry up and show us the way," Kagami demanded of Kise.

But the blonde just kept his back to the red head, keeping his attention on the other two former members of Teiko. More so for (Y/N), who wasn't too impressed with Kise's weird, yet usual behavior.

"Man, you've been hanging around Hibiki way too much. You're both so dramatic," the tall girl sighed as she placed one hand on her hip while turning her head away from Kise.

"(Y/N)cchi!" The model whined as more crocodile tears coming from his eyes.

The poor boy's heart just cracked even more. While they both still hadn't forgotten what was spoken yesterday, Kise knew he'd get the whole story today. And maybe that would clear things up between him and (Y/N). For now, he just wanted to try and make her feel comfortable around him once again, like back in middle school.

However, while Kise was trying to do that, he had completely ignored the fact that Kagami had been trying to talk to him.

"Is he ignoring me?" The red head growled.

It wasn't like Kise couldn't hear him, but the model wanted to see if either (Y/N) or Kuroko would catch on to what he was putting down. And they both had seen it right away. The tall girl was able to read people easily, especially those she had known for a long time. And Kise was just someone both she and Kuroko could read just like that.

"Could you stop with the light hearted sarcasm?" The phantom asked politely with a smidge of sharpness to his voice.

Ah, there it was. (Y/N) soon saw Kise's eyes go from their widened state to a more narrow and sly state of expression. She knew he was thinking of something, as to what it was, the girl had a pretty good idea. Her old friend had made quite an impression on him yesterday.

"That's why I'm slightly interested in you, Kagami," Kise said as he turned towards the red head in question.

"Since these two have sworn themselves to you. Look, I honestly don't care about being labeled one of the Generation of Miracles. But when someone really picks a fight with me, I'm simply not mature enough to let it slide. I'm sorry, but I'm gonna have to crush you," the model threatened.

However, his threats were mere invitations to Kagami. All the more for the red head to show this pretty boy what he was really made of. With a smirk on his face, Kagami looked Kise directly in his golden eyes.

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