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Hello or Salaam, 

Thank you for choosing to click on this book. 

Now before you start, there are a few things I wish to warn you about in the senses of my writing: I despise predictability and get bored extremely quickly, so I also show it in the way I write. Plot twists, shortcomings and surprises are all things I like to drop onto my readers. I'm hoping that my desires are also fulfilled for you, meaning that you don't feel uninterested at any point. I'm a massive day dreamer, so every word which I ink or type on pages are scenarios I've imagined in the universes at the back of my mind. Writing is, like several of my hobbies, a means of escape which I am passionate about. 

Regarding my characters, they are very flawed and I make them as realistic as possible. They have real issues and problems too but also great qualities they would be proud to  possess. My male characters are very dominant but with laidback intuition. They are wrong in the most right ways but will allure you in such behaviours and patterns that you won't even think to regret the pain and beauty they make you feel. Though they may be narcissists, they are broken so you feel pity for them and their tragic pasts. Morals are not essential to them, perhaps whatever guides them is just their logic and practicality. Villains to most, heroes to some. They all have a complex of possessiveness but I'm sure that's ok to you.

My female characters aren't spineless with no mind of their own, which for some strange reason is the way they are usually written by others, despite the fact that all women are truly strong and extraordinary. My female characters are witty and opinionated with fiery attitudes. They are dominant with ruinous scars of their own. Development is a big part of all my characters.


This book contains mention of many different cultures and diverse backgrounds. Stemming from that, the main characters are written as Muslim, but just a reminder that they are not perfect Muslims but try their best to follow Islam well. They are not  perfect reflections of Islam as a religion.

If I witness comments that are disrespectful toward my religion in any way, it will not be tolerated and I will not hesitate in deleting such comments and muting you. It is ok for you to politely disagree with something, but if you disrespect or hate blatantly, Kindly fuck off. Sorry, I meant unkindly.

If there is any way you wish to see my writing improve in, please inform me. Constructive criticism is important to me and I will gladly take it. But like I said before, no hate will be taken into consideration. If you feel like taking out your misery on others, you are absolutely stupid and If it's because you're insecure; quite frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn.


I am still a student with shitty exams going on, so updates won't be the fastest but I will update as much as I can and will try my best.

This book contains mature themes (abuse, violence, profanity and sexual content). If you can't handle it, don't proceed. 

My writing is not all sunshine and rainbows and regarding the romance aspect, It's dark. I would say pitch black. If you are concerned by that sort of thing, also don't proceed. 

If you're still here, welcome...

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