Stuck With A Werewolf Because Of A Seating Plan... What?!?!

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Hi everyone :-)

This is my new story and I hope you like it!!!

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Stuck With A Werewolf Because Of A Seating Plan... What?!?!

"Sooooo...?" Liv questioned as we drove to school that day.

Liv was my best friend... Well my only friend to be honest, but that was fine for me, I don't need to be popular. But Liv would be automatically popular even if she wore a bin bag, not that her expensive designer clothes could be classed as a bin bag; her Ferrari wasn't a cheap cardboard box either. However, unlike the other populars, her heart wasn't cold.

"So what?" I asked dumbly, not comprehending what we were talking about.

"So are you still coming to the schools blind date thingy with me?"

"How very technical of you to describe it as a 'thingy'." I said while laughing at her.

"You know what I mean she growled at me and started sulking in her seat while driving.

"Ok... I'm still coming with you for moral support-" before she could jump in I added, "but not to join in!!!" the pout stayed for a moment before it turned into a smile.

"Ok then. At least I won't be alone." Like Liv would ever be alone.

"I just feel sorry for the other girls who have to compare to your great beauty." I said only half joking with her. She truly was pretty, as in the envy of every girl pretty. Her long blonde hair shone even without sun and her light blue eyes glistened like the sea... While my brown hair looked like it had streaks in it (not that you could really tell with it tied up all the time) and my bright green eyes made people automatically think 'freak alert!' What you would probably call me was average and Liv... Stunning. Some people get all the luck.

It has never bothered me not standing out with my looks, that's why I wear my skinny jeans, normal v-neck top and a baggy boys huddie... My hair is always up and my earphones are always in.

"Hello!!! Are you listening to me?!!" Liv practically screamed in my ear, bringing me out of my daze... Again.

"Yep, I'm listening!" I turned to her to see her point at the school. When had we got here?

Oh well, no time to wonder now.

"Are you sure you're ok Callie? You seem, not really yourself lately. I mean you were always daydreaming, but never this much..." Worry was thick in Liv's voice but I didn't know what to tell her, I knew I was more absent these days but I couldn't help it. It was as if there was nothing that interesting to keep my focus on the world around me... And that was sad!

"Yeah, I'm fine Liv." I said, giving her a reassuring smile because that was all I could think to do.

"You know what you need?" she said snapping her fingers.

"No. What?" I said indulging her idea even though I knew nothing good could come of it.

"You need a boyfriend!!" She beamed at me and I rolled my eyes at her.

I got out of the car and headed towards my homeroom class but should have known Liv would be there to continue with her theory of me needing a boyfriend.

"I'm being serious!!!" She said in a slightly higher pitched voice then usual, allowing me to know she was annoyed.

"I know you are Liv-" She started to smile, so I added, "and that is why I'm walking away: to keep you and your crazy thought process away from my nice sane mind!" I sped up my walking pace and heard Liv sigh in frustration at me, but she didn't bother to try and catch me up because her homeroom class was on the other side of the school to mine.

"You know I'm right!!!" she shouted to me. "One day soon you're going to find a lad that ruffles them feathers of yours and makes life actually worth living for you!!! Just you wait and see!!! You life will become interesting when he walks into your life!!!" She shouted and walked of to her own room.

Yeah right. Like a lad could do that to me.

What I didn't realise, when I got to my homeroom, was that Liv was right... Only he didn't walk into my life... He was just sat in my seat!!!

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