Camping trip gone horribly wrong part 2

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, I'm fine, any luck?" 

Tommy shook his heading, holding his hand out in front of Dream for him to take. (We love a wholesome Tommy moment)

Dream accepted and with the two of them, Dream was on his feet. He brushed himself off before speaking. "Oh well, are you guys alright, at least?" He asked, still radiated calmness although he was panicking and worried for Q.

"Yup, we're fine!" Another British accent spoke, a one Dream didn't mind hearing. George.

"Well, that's good, let's look together then, shall we?"

The two groups agreed as they went on the hunt for Quackity.

(Quackity POV)

We were having a great time, although it was morning barely any light shone from the trees, it was dark, but fun nonetheless. As I strolling through the forest alongside George, Tommy, Tubbo, Skeppy, and Ant, I suddenly couldn't move and a hand was put over my mouth, preventing me from speaking.

I tried talking, but all my words came out muffled. I silently pleaded someone would hear me. Unfortunately, they didn't. They kept on walking, not acknowledging my disappearance. I kick and flail my arms around, hoping to hit this unknown man that was currently in the process of kidnapping me.

"STOP KICKING ME, YOU BITCH." The mysterious man yelled, dragging me to an unknown location.

Tears started forming in the corners of my eyes. In the distance, black silhouettes danced amongst the trees, hoping it was someone, I started screaming for help.

"OH MY GOD, SHUT UP. YOU'RE SO ANNOYING!" The kidnapper scolded. His voice was cold and venom dripped from his words, it's obvious his intentions weren't good. (No shit Q, he's fucking kidnapping you)

After what felt like hours of crying, screaming, verbal abuse from the man, and so much more, we arrived at a shed in the middle of the woods.  The dark chocolate brown logs were glued together in place, the dark green roof somehow matched. There was a single window to the right of the shed, other than that, the place was dark. 

The man's grip on my arm was so tight, I felt like a puppet and he was the puppeteer. (Is that the right word lmao)

His free arm pulled open the door to this enclosed space, pushing me inside before stepping in himself. 

Before I could say anything, he pushed me into a chair in the middle of the shed, I tried getting up, but the man had snaked his arms around my waist, making me feel slightly uncomfortable. 

One of the arm grip loosened on my waist and my eyes shifted over to look in the direction the hand was going. Rope.

I tried to squirm my way out of his grasp, but he was too strong. He easily tied me up, unable for me to slip out. 

"Why are you doing this?" I built up the courage to ask.

"Because... there's something about you... you're just so... pretty." The man cooed as he put his hand on my chin, making me look up at him. The man wasn't Schlatt, but his actions definitely resembled him.

"That doesn't explain why you'd want to kidnap me."

"It doesn't? Oh well, I thought it was obvious. I want you all to myself." The man snickered, snaking his arms around my waist again.

I don't know what made me do it, maybe because I was scared and wasn't going to let him take advantage of me, but I used all my strength I had to kick him.  My legs were tied up so it was hard but I hit him. (You probably know where lol, I'm a girl and don't feel comfortable writing it, but I'm sure you can make an inference)

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