" Looking Up, Going Down "

Start from the beginning

Eve scoffed profusely, slinging the most expensive black Hermes handbag Jac owned - 99, 995 dollars to be exact - on her shoulder. "Jac, you're just going to have to learn how to make sacrifices. We barely have any money freed up for our leisure time. We're already letting go of all the yachts."

"But why am I the only one making sacrifices?" Jac exclaimed. "I don't see your clothes going up for sell!"

Eve opened her mouth to interject but the woman who had scavenged every part of Jac's closet came out of the elevator, heaving three luxurious evening gowns into the room and laying them delicately on the last free gold love seat available. "What do you think of these, Eve?"

"I'm sorry but who are you?" Jac snapped, immediately hating the woman for helping her mother with this horrendous task.

"Stella Singh," The woman outstretched her dainty hand and Jac couldn't deny that for a probably-about-to-drop-dead woman, she looked amazing. "A good friend of your mother's."

"She's my money adviser," Eve said bluntly. 

Jac rushed over to her beloved evening gowns, pressing her face against the soft fabric. "Well you can't sell my gowns."

"They're not going up for sell," Stella said reassuringly, eyes flickering over to the jewelry on the coffee table. "We want you to choose one of those to wear to the Spring Debutante Auction."

The Spring Debutante Auction was not only the high society's way of "giving back" to the ones who could never have the lifestyle, it was also an excuse to dress up. Impressions were important and small talk was necessary when it came to high society's children. Especially when you never know who could show up - last year President Obama had made an appearance and bought a 2.5 million dollar vacation house in the Bahamas.

"And then what happens to the ones I don't choose?" Jac asked somberly.

"They're put in the auction," Stella shrugged sheepishly.

"Then I want to wear all of them," Jac decided. "I could switch dresses every hour."

"Jacqueline, don't be ridiculous," Eve said, not masking her annoyance. "You can only choose one."

"But thats not fair!" Jac cried, biting her bottom lip to stop from crying. "You're selling literally my whole wardrobe!"

"Not all of it," Stella said reassuringly. "We're not going to sell all those band t-shirts you have in there-"

"Or those tie-dyed skinny jeans." Eve added.

Jac gasped in disbelief. They were selling every nice thing she owned.....and leaving her with band t-shirts she usually wore to bed on period days. It was too much to take on in the morning and without warning, she fainted.

"Jac, can you try not to be so dramatic?"

Jac awoke exactly where she'd fainted on the soft carpeting of their Ivory and Gold living room. Eve stood over her, shaking her head profoundly before moving back to the coffee table. There, she tossed every bit of jewelry into a Sayre & Co. jewelry box in her hand.

"How long was I out?" Jac managed, shakily getting to her feet and trying to fight the fact that no one had bothered to help her up.

"You just sat on the floor for three minutes."  Stella  stated, who was now at the corner of the room, gently placing cocktail dresses into a floral-printed moving box.

Jac felt as if she were watching her world come crashing down and had no way of stopping it - and then she quickly remembered Blake's words at their odd date. Shooting forward, Jac pushed past Stella and Eve, hurrying into the elevator.

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