knight to remember

Start from the beginning

"wh- wha- bu-" alpha tried, he was stunned by the sudden action.

"don't say anything" elas started as he unlocked alpha's handcuffs. "just run"

you didnt have to tell alpha that twice, the man ran out of the castle with godsspeed. as fast as he ran, his confusion was uncontrollable.




it was already dark outside, elas was peacefully boiling some water above a fire. he heard three knocks at the door, they didn't sound too aggressive but pretty urgent. he walked to the door slowly, looking at the silhouette in front of it. when he opened the door he met the eyes of a well known thief. he raised his eyebrows at the nerve.

"you know where i live?" elas asked. alpha shrugged.

"i had to make sure you werent following me, and you stayed home" he said.

" followed me to make sure i was safe?" elas smiled teasingly.

"something like that" alpha smiled back. "so, you're not gonna arrest me?"

"no, im off duty. plus im making some tea, why dont you come in? its cold out there" elas smiled lovingly, alpha nodded as he walked inside and took a seat.

"i wanna know why you let me go" he blurted out. which made elas laugh

"you haven't been on many visits have you?" alpha just raised one of his eyebrows waiting for an answer, elas rolled his eyes.

"i let you go not quite sure" elas said, as he gave alpha a cup of tea.

"i can answer that for you, you were flustered " he said confidently. elas chuckled as he sat down.

"not really, i guess i just...thought it was too easy" elas said.

"watch your mouth alfreda" alpha warned. "i slipped, ok?"

elas nodded as he put his tea down and stood up. he walked behind alpha's chair and whispered in his ear.

"follow me, i want to show you something" before walking away, alpha blinked a few times before hurrying behind him, his mind already in the wrong place. when he caught up with elas they were in some kind of closet, a small storage room. in a small hidden box elas pulled out an arrow. he turned to alpha with it in his hand.

"do you remember this arrow?" he asked him. alpha didn't answer, he just looked between the arrow and elas.

"i guess you do" he smiled.


elas's pov

i walk through the royal garden to get the princess her favorite flower for a spell, when suddenly i see something slowly coming towards me. my knight instincts immediately told me to shoot it, i load my bow an arrow with speed and quickly shoot towards it. for a minute, it disappeared. it must've killed it. i sigh before i squinted my eyes to see a figure appear in the same spot. the closer it gets the clearer i can see it, towards me, comes alpha kelhana spinning an arrow between his fingers confidently. my eyes widen at the sight. i stand up in fear, maybe even shock.

"al-alpha kelhana?!" i say kind of loud when he is infront of my eyes. he places his index finger on his lips and shushed me

"shhh, dont wanna blow my cover, do you puppy?" he asked, his voice was low, and captivating. i was stuck in my place, what to do what to do.

"i think.." alpha started as he looked at the arrow. "this belongs to you".

he placed the arrow in his mouth, walking closer to me and placing the arrow inbetween my lips using his own. it was a subtle touch, not enough to taste him or even call a kiss. he pulled back with a smile.

"oh, and before i forget" he started again before he reached into his pocket. there he pulled out the princess's favorite flower full with magical powers, worth alot.

"thanks for guiding me through the garden" he said before running away, i was going to stop him. i was! but i could only watch in wonder as he disappeared again.


"you...saved it?" alpha asked in wonder, kind of getting caught in his eyes.

"ofcourse i did, i didn't want to forget our first encounter now did i?" elas said as he placed the arrow back safely and closed the closet door. alpha stared at him with heart beating fast. elas turned to alpha and looked up in his eyes, the height difference between them could automatically turn the tension on. alpha suddenly pinned elas against the wall, holding his waist.

"a-alpha!" elas gasped.

"don't play dumb now puppy, you know exactly what you're doing" alpha spoke, to which elas couldn't hide his smirk anymore.

"and what if i do?" he said softly, alpha smirked as he picked the smaller up. holding him by his thighs against the wall. elas chuckled.

"correct answer" before grabbing alpha's face and kissing him deeply, finally after way too long, he could taste him, actually feel his lips against his own.





alpha walked into his hideout, it was very late but akkar was still up apparently. he was worried and waiting for alpha. as soon as he heard someone climb down he looked at the opening, alpha walked in with messy hair, swollen lips and some sort of bruise on his neck, his clothes were not on the right way and he was smiling too much, nothing like the alpha he knew.

"NOW WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN I WAS WORRIED SI-.....shit man you look busted, did that knight finally get his hands on you?" akkar asked him as he walked towards him.

alpha chuckled

"yeah, yeah he did"

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