Purple eyes stare back into my green ones. Their face shows a nasty grin. Of course Monoma is here.

I sigh in annoyance.

"What Monoma? Why do you always have to ruin a good moment huh?" I question. I've gotten sick of him always making my life hell.

"Oh ho ho the little nobody is fighting back eh? Well just have to teach him a lesson, right Kaibara?" He smirks and my eyes shoot over to the person who was now stepping next to him. Great two people who make my life hell.

"Yeah you're right. Who does he think he think he is standing up to us? He should just go running back to his little boyfriend like the fag he is!" Kaibara taunts and Monoma cackles with laughter.

"Pfft that was the funniest thing I've heard all day!"

The two continue to laugh and I clench my fists into balls.

"SHUT UP!" My scream causes their laughter to grow louder.

"Do you hear this shit? The little gay thinks he can tell us what to do!" Monoma clutches his stomach and continues to snort and laugh.

I've had enough.

I run closer to Monoma and strike his face with my fist. He stumbles back a bit and looks towards me. His eyes full of fury.

"What the fuck? Little bitch thinks he can punch me now too! Oh now you're really gonna fucking get it." His voice laced with hatred he steps towards me and I try to keep calm. My hands shaking with fear.

"Don't try to act all tough now! You wanna know what you're good for!? Literally NOTHING!" He screams and punches my stomach. I groan in pain and kneel over in agony.

"Oh where's that toughness now you punk! Don't you wanna stand up for yourself!" He shouts and kicks me to the ground. I cough and a little blood rolls down my chin.

"Uh Monoma I think that's good dude. You hit him enough." The brown haired boy tried to calm the other down, only enraging him further.

"NO! I won't fucking stop! He deserves this!" He yells out and lifts me to my feet by my hair.

I knee him in his stomach, causing him to let go on my hair and let me get away. I wobbly get into a fighting stance.

"Oh you're getting it now you little shit!" He roars and runs at me hitting my cheek with his fist. He pushes my chest causing be to stumble back a lot.

Right over the bridge.

My body falls backwards and I instantly grab onto the ledge, trying to keep myself from falling into the river bellow.

Monoma stares wide eyed at me and in a panic grabs Kaibara by the wrist and drags him away.

"You BASTARDS!" I scream. Adrenaline and fear pump through me as I eye the river below.

I grip the ledge tighter with both hands and try to pull myself up, splinters from the old wood make their way into my finger tips but I don't care.

I keep straining myself and trying to pull my body weight up but my upper body strength is seriously lacking.

Tears flood down my pale freckled face and my finger tips begin to bleed and become sore.

The wood is old and creaky. A chunk I'm holding onto falls off.

My other hand begins to slip off.

I'm gonna die.


I don't wanna die.

Please not yet.

I finally found someone who makes me happy.

Someone I care for, and someone who hopefully cares for me.

A reason to live.

I love him, I love you Kacchan and I'm so sorry.

My hand slips off the slick wood and I begin falling.

A blood curdling scream escapes my lips as terror overtakes me.

The world feels like it's in slow motion as I descend to the water below. Memories flood my mind and more tears fall from my eyes, my hair flows rapidly through the air.

My body comes closer to the water and I shut my eyes tight.

"I'm sorry Kacchan. I love you so much." I sob out. A stinging pain shoots through my body, and my world goes black.


I'm so sorry for the sad chapter but it had to be done! I hope you still enjoyed anyway (つ .•́ _ʖ •̀.)つ

1216 words

6/16/21 ☹︎

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