Chapter 25: The Journey Home.

Start from the beginning

Ethan ran over to hug Penny. "I'm still here, Penny. I'm not going anywhere." He assured stroking her tears away. "You're safe now."

Penny smiled. At least until Jacob told everyone to go to bed. "Okay, off to bed. We'll move in the morning." He declared as everyone shuffled going to bed.

That night, Jacob took the first watch. He looked around. Hopefully someone would be around in the morning. But their mission was complete. Penny was safe and sound. Ethan was happy again. All that remained was getting out of Mexico. And Jacob could see his brother and Penny sleeping in the same sleep roll together. After what those two had been through. Jacob thought it wasn't the end of the world. It almost reminded him of Lizzie and himself. "I shouldn't have left Hogwarts." Jacob thought to himself. If it hadn't been for those stupid Cursed Vaults. Things would be alright in the Wizarding World. He couldn't help but wonder: What if? 

The next morning was an endless walk through the desert. "So... I guess I'm going to have to get a new wand when we get home." Penny said making small talk.

"I got a new wand. It's not so bad." Ethan replied.

"And I got my wand snapped. But I use Wandless Magic." Jacob added.

"I don't think I'm ready for Wandless Magic yet." Penny informed.

"Suit yourself." Jacob replied.

"So, when you were a Prisoner. How did you go to the Bathroom?" Barnaby asked.

"Please don't ask." Penny pleaded with her face turning a shade of green.

"That bad." Rath thought to herself.

"Are you sure we're going the right way?" Tulip asked. "It seems like we're going through miles and miles of desert." 

"I'm positive." Diego answered. "I mean it's not like we have a bunch of helicopters coming out of the sky-"

And then a group of Helicopters flew above the groups faces.


"Are those Muggles?" Penny asked.

"They're our ride out of here!" Jacob answered waving his hands in the air, and making sure the others did the same.

"Hey! HEY!" Everyone yelled. The Choppers seemed to notice them, because they touched down.

But what was shocking of all, was Lizzie Maxson herself coming out from one of the Choppers, along with some U.S. Army Soldiers.

"Lizzie?" Jacob asked in disbelief.

"Hey!" Lizzie yelled hugging Jacob. But then immediately released her grip. "Sorry about that. Heart of the moment."  

Jacob smirked. "Sure it was." He thought.

"Lizzie!" Ethan was happy to see her. "What are you doing here?"

"Getting you guys out of here." Lizzie answered. "We got word back home, from the Mexican Council that you were in Mexico City and apparated to the Jungle. So I learned that Jacob apparated you all out of there. And to this location."

"You know where I apparate to?" Jacob asked confused. "How'd you do that?"

"I have my ways." Lizzie answered. "So, I came to America. Talked with some contacts with my Dad. And here we are."

"And if you don't mind. I think we should get on board." Another voice suggested. 

Jacob looked to see that the voice had come from some Muggle. "Who's that?"

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