13. Depression: A Cupid's Guide

Start from the beginning

        "I'm not sure how I can help you. I haven't seen her in almost ten years and we live in the same city," said Tony with a shake of his head.

        He was blond as well, but his hair was cut short. Like Lizzy, his eye brows were a dark golden brown and he also possessed the same bright green eyes curtained by glittering dark gold lashes. His mouth was also similar to Lizzy's in shape and color but Tony had a cut on his upper lip that added to his masculine beauty. He wore a navy blue sweater and light worn denim jeans and there was yellow and orange paint behind his ear and on his wrists even though his palms and fingernails were clean. 

        "Ten years, that's a long time for siblings to be mad at each other. It's really help me if you told me why. Maybe if I understood her a little more, I can change up my style with her," Geneva suggested.

        "Um...Well," Tony faltered and brought his hand up to rub the back of his head. A sheepish gesture Geneva found endearing.

        "I won't use it against you, or her. I just need to know how to help her out of her funk. I can start telling you more about her if you like. If you haven't spoken to her in a decade, you'll most likely be out of the loop about her recent car accident," said Geneva.

        Tony's face stiffened in surprise. He didn't know about Lizzy's car accident and it been months ago by now.

        "It was a hit and run, we never found out who it was. But she had a hard time healing from the trauma. It was too severe. Three weeks ago, Lizzy went through with the surgery that would remove a part of her leg. Her pain has been very reduced. But I think her mind is still not the same," Geneva added.

        The silence between them stretched for what seemed like an hour. 

        "I guess we're more estranged than I remembered us to be," Tony said finally and his eyes dropped down to his half-filled coffee cup.

        "I think the estrangement hurts you both more than you know," Geneva replied then added in a softer, more persuasive voice, "Please. I just want to help her." It was true. She did want to help Lizzy.

        Tony sipped his coffee and kept his eyes cast down as if he were reading the memories from a book.

        "Our mother suffered from an abusive relationship. The man, an on and off again boyfriend, left her. He just packed his bags and left without a word while everyone else was still in their pajamas. He was a heartless monster of a man and both Lizzy and I hated him.

        But our mother couldn't reconcile his disappearance. She sank into despair. Lizzy had just graduated from High School and I was going to do the same the next year. But our mother made her first thwarted suicide attempt just weeks before Lizzy would have graduated. Her second attempt was later on that summer. By her third attempt in the fall, Lizzy put our mother into a strict therapeutic "suicide watch" facility called Vigilant.

        But mom was miserable there. She cried all the time. They wouldn't let her go outside to breathe. I could see that she was still dying. And I knew, even though I don't condone suicide, that I would rather see my mother die on her own terms rather than to be tortured under florescent lights. They also kept her so heavily medicated that it was difficult for her to consent to anything else. 

        So, when I turned eighteen and with that arbitrary age, earned the right to take care of my mother, I did. I pulled her from the facility. She was home for maybe two weeks before she tried her fourth and last time to kill herself. 

        Lizzy never forgave me. She'd been a freshman at college. When she heard the news about mom, she dropped out and came home too. We lived together for a few months but then Lizzy packed up and left. And I haven't really seen her since. Not on purpose anyway," Tony finished with a shrug. 

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