What even are these stereotypes!??

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Stereotypes are harmful. Even if it doesn't seem harmful, it is. 

If there is a stereotype about another person, nationality, race, etc, it's not up to you to decide whether the stereotype is harmful or not. 

Stereotypes have become ingrained in our society, especially East Asian stereotypes. It may be funny to you but we're the ones who have to suffer as a result of them and face xenophobia, racism, hate crimes and sinophobia- anti-Chinese sentiment. 

Here are common Asian stereotypes and I'm speaking on behalf of the Asian community when I say I want these abolished! These are NOT true and all of these are contributing to racsicm and the endless hate crimes being committed against us. Educate yourself, speak up and speak out about this, especailly when you hear these false stereotypes. Change can only happen this way and we are the future. If we do not speak out now, future generations will have the same attitude as the ignorant adults, teens and children today. Do we want this? Do we want to live in a society like this? Or do we want our society to be happier, more inclusive and safer? 

TW: mentions of r*pe in number 9

1. Chinese people eat dogs

Just because a very, very small percentage of people living in one to very few areas in China eat dogs, does not mean that every single Chinese person eats dogs

In fact, because of war and poverty, many people had no choice but to eat their animals. Don't say it's heartless or disgusting. You know you would do the same if you were in their desperate situation when food shortages were common. Would you rather die and leave your family without you or watch your loved ones slowly suffer from malnutution and starvation or would you try to stay alive and keep your loved ones alive too? Exactly.

Now, most people are not living in absolute poverty, extreme food shortages are rare. But some people do still eat them and guess what? That's okay! Even though it may seem "cruel" or "weird" to you, it doesn't make them bad people. You're judging them because of food they eat? Grow up. 

Do you want to know just how old,outdated and incorrect this stereotype is? I didn't know some Chinese people ate dogs until I was 11 a few years ago when some people asked me about it. My roots are Chinese. I did not know this.  

When food is scarce, The Inuit living in the Polar Circle have no choice but to eat their huskies to stay alive. 

Some people in Switzerland eat dogs too. 

They are not attacked. 

Here, people eat beef. Hindus regard cows as holy animals and they do not eat them. You don't see Hindus attacking you do you for eating beef? You don't see them being racist to you do you? You don't see them justifying their hate crimes towards you do you for eating beef? 

So why are East Asains treated differently? 

2. Chinese people eat bats. 

We're still not really sure how COVID-19 began but an idea is from bats. Chinese people do not eat bats. I did research and NOWHERE in China has a dish that contains bat meat. 

if COVID-19 did originate from bats, just because one person ate one does not automatically mean 1.3 billion people eat bats. 

Asians are getting harrassed and assulted for this. 

I know people who have been personally blamed for the pandemic and I personally know people who have been attacked and abused. 

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